NAME App::Pocosi - A command line tool for launching a POE::Component::Server::IRC instance DESCRIPTION This distribution provides a generic way to launch a POE::Component::Server::IRC instance. * Prints useful status information (to your terminal and/or a log file) * Will daemonize if you so wish * Supports a configuration file * Offers a user friendly way to pass arguments to POE::Component::Server::IRC * Has an interactive mode where you can issue issue commands and call methods on the IRCd component. CONFIGURATION class: POE::Component::Server::IRC log_file: /my/log.file pid_file: /my/pid.file lib: /my/modules flood: false auth: true config: servername: motd: - "Welcome to this great server" - "" - "Enjoy your stay" plugins: - [OperServ] listeners: - bindaddr: "" port: 10023 denials: - ["", "I don't like this IP block"] exemptions: - "" operators: - username: jack password: foo ipmask: ["", "", ""] - username: locke password: bar ipmask: "10.0.0.*" auths: - mask: "*" password: hlagh spoof: jacob no_tilde: true peers: - name: rpass: hlaghpass pass: hlaghpass type: r raddress: "" rport: 12345 auto: true The configuration file is in YAML or JSON format. It consists of a hash containing the options described in the above code example. Only "config" is required. "lib" Either the name of a directory containing Perl modules (e.g. plugins), or an array of such names. Kind of like Perl's *-I*. "pid_file" Path to a pid file, as used by most daemons. If is specified, App::Pocosi will refuse to run if the file already exists. "log_file" Path to a log file to which status messages will be written. "class" The IRC server component class. Defaults to POE::Component::Server::IRC::State. "config" This is a hash of various configuration variables for the IRCd. See PoCo-Server-IRC's "configure" for a list of parameters. "plugins" An array of arrays containing a short plugin class name (e.g. 'OperServ') and optionally a hash of arguments to that plugin. When figuring out the correct package name, App::Pocosi will first try to load POE::Component::Server::IRC::Plugin::*YourPlugin* before trying to load *YourPlugin*. "listeners" An array of hashes. The keys should be any of the options listed in the docs for PoCo-Server-IRC-Backend's "add_listener" method. "auths" An array of hashes. The keys are described in the docs for PoCo-Server-IRC's "add_auth" method. "operators" An array of hashes. The keys are described in the docs for PoCo-Server-IRC's "add_operator" method. You you can supply an array of netmasks (the kind accepted by Net::Netmask's constructor) for the 'ipmask' key. "peers" An array of hashes. The keys should be any of the options listed in the docs for PoCo-Server-IRC's "add_peer" method. "denials" An array of arrays. The first element of the inner array should be a netmask accepted by Net::Netmask's constructor. The second (optional) element should be a reason for the denial. "exemptions" An array of netmasks (the kind which Net::Netmask's constructor accepts). OUTPUT Here is some example output from the program: $ pocosi -f example/config.yml 2011-05-22 15:30:02 Started (pid 13191) 2011-05-22 15:30:02 Constructing plugins 2011-05-22 15:30:02 Spawning IRCd component (POE::Component::Server::IRC) 2011-05-22 15:30:02 Registering plugins 2011-05-22 15:30:02 Added plugin PocosiStatus_1 2011-05-22 15:30:02 Added plugin OperServ_1 2011-05-22 15:30:02 Started listening on 2011-05-22 15:30:02 Connected to peer on 2011-05-22 15:30:02 Server (hops: 1) introduced to the network by ^C2011-05-22 15:30:18 Exiting due to SIGINT 2011-05-22 15:30:18 Deleted plugin OperServ_1 2011-05-22 15:30:18 Deleted plugin PocosiStatus_1 2011-05-22 15:30:18 IRCd component shut down AUTHOR Hinrik Ărn SigurĂ°sson, LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2011 Hinrik Ărn SigurĂ°sson This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.