JS ==

    JavaScript Modules on CPAN

        > # Typical unix command line stuff:
        > sudo cpan JS::jQuery
        ... cpan installs JS-jQuery ...
        > js-cpan
        > js-cpan jQuery*
        > js-cpan jQuery.js
        > cd my/webapp/that/requires/jquery/javascript/
        > ln -s `js-cpan jQuery.js` jQuery.js

    Some JavaScript modules can be installed from CPAN. This module comes
    with a utility called "js-cpan" that helps you find JavaScript modules
    that have been installed on your system so that you can use them in
    various projects.

    The JSAN project (<http://openjsan.org>) has successfully provided much
    of the groundwork to make JavaScript module distributions look and act
    like Perl module distributions.

    For example, the basic file layout is similar, the Test::Harness and
    Test::Simple framework has been ported to JSAN, and most modules use
    Makefiles to set things up.

    The Open JSAN project offers the tip off the iceberg in terms of being a
    CPAN for JavaScript. However it has a long way to go and not a lot of
    community to

          get it there. CPAN is a good place to put JavaScript modules.

    Many projects require JavaScript components these days, and it would be
    nice to simply list them in the META.yml of your Perl project

    There is a dead simple way to package non-Perl components into Perl/CPAN
    distributions. The components get installed in your Perl system but do
    not affect Perl in any other way.

    JS.pm is a module to explain and help maintain the JavaScript modules
    installed from CPAN.

    Some module distributions will have both Perl and JavaScript components.
    Others will have only JavaScript components. All JavaScript modules and
    JavaScript- only distributions should have a top-level-namespace of

    It turns out that Perl's ExtUtils::MakeMaker will install any files that
    you put in the "lib/" directory, into your "perl"'s "sitelib". So
    setting up a JavaScript distribution is very similar to setting on a
    Perl one.

    Say you have a JavaScript module called "Foo.Bar". First create a
    distribution directory called: "JS-Foo-Bar". Put your JavaScript code in
    "lib/JS/Foo/Bar.js". Put your documentation in "lib/JS/Foo/Bar.pod".
    Create a bare bones "lib/JS/Foo/Bar.pm" Perl module so that CPAN related
    tools can find your stuff.

    Your Makefile.PL should look something like this:

        use inc::Module::Install;
        name     'JS-Foo-Bar';
        abstract 'Sample JavaScript Module Distribution';
        version  '0.01';
        license  'lgpl';
        all_from 'lib/JS/Foo/Bar.pod';

    Create a "Changes" and "README" file and dummy "test.t". CPAN module
    distributions should have these files.

    Put your JavaScript tests in a directory called "tests". I'll write up
    more explicit instructions in a future release, but for now look at
    "JS-YAML" on CPAN or any openjsan.org module as an example.

    Now just run these commands:

        perl Makefile.PL
        make manifest
        make dist
        cpan-upload -user foo -passwd bar -mailto foo@bar.com JS-Foo-Bar-0.01.tar.gz

    That's it. You've joined the revolution. :)

    NOTE: There is a working example JavaScript module shipped with "JS.pm"
    in the "examples/JS-Foo-Bar" directory.

    Ingy dĂśt Net <ingy@cpan.org>

    Copyright 2008-2014. Ingy dĂśt Net.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.

    See <http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html>