NAME Pegex::Forth - Forth Interpreter with a Pegex Compiler SYNOPSIS Commandline: > pegex-forth program.forth > echo '3 4 + .' | pegex-forth # Print 7 In code: use Pegex::Forth; Pegex::Forth->new->run('3 4 + .'); # Print 7 $num = Pegex::Forth->new->run('3 4 +'); # Return 7 DESCRIPTION Pegex::Forth is a Forth interpreter engine that uses Pegex to drive it. SEE ALSO * Pegex AUTHOR Ingy dĂśt Net <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2014. Ingy dĂśt Net. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See <>