# Libclang [](https://travis-ci.org/azawawi/p6-libclang) [](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/azawawi/p6-libclang/branch/master) Perl 6 bindings for [`libclang`](https://clang.llvm.org/doxygen/group__CINDEX.html) **Note: This is currently experimental and API may change. Please DO NOT use in a production environment.** ## Example ```perl6 use v6; use Libclang; my $index = Libclang::Index.new; LEAVE $index.destroy if $index.defined; my $file-name = $*SPEC.catfile($*PROGRAM.IO.parent, "header.hpp"); my $translation-unit = Libclang::TranslationUnit.new($index, $file-name); LEAVE $translation-unit.destroy if $translation-unit.defined; my $cursor = $translation-unit.cursor; LEAVE $cursor.destroy if $cursor.defined; $cursor.visit-children(sub ($cursor, $parent) { printf("Cursor '%15s' of kind '%s'\n", $cursor.spelling, $cursor.kind-spelling); return child-visit-recurse; }); ``` ## Dependencies Please follow the instructions below based on your platform to install `libclang` development libraries / headers: |Platform|Installation command| |-|-| |Debian|`apt-get install libclang-dev`| |macOS|`brew update;`<br>`brew install llvm --with-clang`| |Windows|Install [mingw-w64-install.exe](https://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files).<br>Install [Clang for Windows 64-bit](http://releases.llvm.org/download.html).| ## Installation - Install this module using [zef](https://github.com/ugexe/zef): ``` $ zef install Libclang ``` ## Testing - To run tests: ``` $ AUTHOR_TESTING=1 zef test --verbose . ``` - To run all tests including author tests (Please make sure [Test::Meta](https://github.com/jonathanstowe/Test-META) is installed): ``` $ zef install Test::META $ AUTHOR_TESTING=1 prove -e "perl6 -Ilib" ``` ## See Also - https://gist.githubusercontent.com/raphaelmor/3150866/raw/4f722b922ae19c9d6c328d79d5a5ca8cb018fb77/clanglib.c - https://shaharmike.com/cpp/libclang/ - http://bastian.rieck.ru/blog/posts/2015/baby_steps_libclang_ast/ ## Author Ahmad M. Zawawi, [azawawi](https://github.com/azawawi/) on #perl6. ## License [MIT License](LICENSE)