Locale::Unicode - Unicode Locale Identifier compliant with BCP47 and

        use Locale::Unicode;
        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'ja-Kana-t-it' ) ||
            die( Locale::Unicode->error, "\n" );
        say $locale; # ja-Kana-t-it

        # Some undefined locale in Cyrillic script
        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'und-Cyrl' );
        $locale->transform( 'und-latn' );
        $locale->mechanism( 'ungegn-2007' );
        say $locale; # und-Cyrl-t-und-latn-m0-ungegn-2007
        # A locale in Cyrillic, transformed from Latin, according to a UNGEGN specification dated 2007.


    This module implements the Unicode LDML (Locale Data Markup Language)
    extensions <>

    It does not enforce the standard, and is merely an API to construct,
    access and modify locales. It is your responsibility to set the right

    For your convenience, summary of key elements of the standard can be
    found in this documentation.

    It is lightweight and fast with no dependency outside of Scalar::Util
    and Want. It requires perl "v5.10" minimum to operate.

    The objects stringifies, and once its string value is computed, it is
    cached and re-used until it is changed. Thus repetitive call to
    as_string or to stringification does not incur any speed penalty by
    recomputing what has not changed.

        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'en' );
        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'en-GB' );
        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'en-Latn-AU' );
        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'he-IL-u-ca-hebrew-tz-jeruslm' );
        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'ja-Kana-t-it' );
        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'und-Latn-t-und-cyrl' );
        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'und-Cyrl-t-und-latn-m0-ungegn-2007' );
        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'de-u-co-phonebk-ka-shifted' );
        # Machine translated from German to Japanese using an undefined vendor
        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'ja-t-de-t0-und' );
        $locale->script( 'Kana' );
        $locale->country_code( 'JP' );
        # Now: ja-Kana-JP-t-de-t0-und

    This takes a "locale" as compliant with the BCP47 standard, and an
    optional hash or hash reference of options and this returns a new

    The "locale" provided is parsed and its components can be accessed and
    modified using all the methods of this class API.

    If an hash or hash reference of options are provided, it will be used to
    set or modify the components from the "locale" provided.

    If an error occurs, an exception object is set and "undef" is returned
    in scalar context, or an empty list in list context. The exception
    object can then be retrieved using error, such as:

        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( $somthing_bad ) ||
            die( Locale::Unicode->error );

    All the methods below are context sensitive.

    If they are called in an object context, they will return the current
    "Locale::Unicode" object for chaining, otherwise, they will return the
    current value. And if that value is "undef", it will return "undef" in
    scalar context, but an empty list in list context.

    Also, if an error occurs, it will set an exception object and returns
    "undef" in scalar context, or an empty list in list context.

        my $hash_reference = Locale::Unicode->parse( 'ja-Kana-t-it' );
        $locale->apply( $hash_reference );

    Provided with an hash reference of key-value pairs, and this will set
    each corresponding method with the associated value.

    If a property provided has no corresponding method, it emits a warning
    if warnings are enabled

    It returns the current object upon success, or sets an error object upon
    error and returns "undef" in scalar context, or an empty list in list

    Returns the Locale object as a string, based on its latest attributes

    The string value returned is computed only once and further call to
    "as_string" returns a cached value unless changes were made to the
    Locale attributes.

        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'ja' );
        $locale->break_exclusion( 'hani-hira-kata' );
        # Now: ja-dx-hani-hira-kata

    This is a Unicode Dictionary Break Exclusion Identifier that specifies
    scripts to be excluded from dictionary-based text break (for words and

    Sets or gets the Unicode extension "dx"

    See also dx

    This specifies scripts to be excluded from dictionary-based text break.

    This is an alias for "calendar"

        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'th' );
        $locale->calendar( 'buddhist' );
        # or:
        # $locale->ca( 'buddhist' );
        # Now: th-u-ca-buddhist
        # which is the Thai with Buddist calendar

    Sets or gets the Unicode extension "ca", which is a calendar identifier

    See the section on "BCP47 EXTENSIONS" for the proper values.

    This is an alias for "cu_format"

        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'de' );
        $locale->collation( 'phonebk' );
        $locale->ka( 'shifted' );
        # Now: de-u-co-phonebk-ka-shifted

    This is a Unicode collation identifier that specifies a type of
    collation (sort order).

    This is an alias for "collation"

        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'de' );
        $locale->collation( 'phonebk' );
        $locale->ka( 'shifted' );
        # Now: de-u-co-phonebk-ka-shifted

        $locale->collation( 'noignore' );
        # or similarly:
        $locale->collation( 'non-ignorable' );

    Sets alternate handling for variable weights.

    Sets or gets the Unicode extension "ka"

    See "Collation Options" for more information.

        $locale->colBackwards(1); # true
        # Now: kb-true
        $locale->colBackwards(0); # false
        # Now: kb-false

    Sets collation boolean value for backward collation weight.

    Sets or gets the Unicode extension "kb"

    See "Collation Options" for more information.

    Sets or gets the Unicode extension "kf"

        $locale->colCaseLevel(1); # true
        # Now: kc-true
        $locale->colCaseLevel(0); # false
        # Now: kc-false

    Sets collation boolean value for case level.

    Sets or gets the Unicode extension "kc"

    See "Collation Options" for more information.

        $locale->colHiraganaQuaternary(1); # true
        # Now: kh-true
        $locale->colHiraganaQuaternary(0); # false
        # Now: kh-false

    Sets collation parameter key for special Hiragana handling.

    Sets or gets the Unicode extension "kh"

    See "Collation Options" for more information.

        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'fr' );
        $locale->collation( 'emoji' );
        # Now: fr-u-co-emoji

        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'de' );
        $locale->collation( 'phonebk' );
        # Now: de-u-co-phonebk
        # which is: German using Phonebook sorting

    Sets or gets the Unicode extension "co"

    This specifies a type of collation (sort order).

    See "Unicode extensions" for possible values and more information on

    See also "Collation Options" for more on collation options.

    This is an alias for colNormalization

        $locale->colNormalization(1); # true
        # Now: kk-true
        $locale->colNormalization(0); # false
        # Now: kk-false

    Sets collation parameter key for normalisation.

    Sets or gets the Unicode extension "kk"

    See "Collation Options" for more information.

        $locale->colNumeric(1); # true
        # Now: kn-true
        $locale->colNumeric(0); # false
        # Now: kn-false

    Sets collation parameter key for numeric handling.

    Sets or gets the Unicode extension "kn"

    See "Collation Options" for more information.

        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'en' );
        $locale->colReorder( 'latn-digit' );
        # Now: en-u-kr-latn-digit
        # Reorder digits after Latin characters.

        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'en' );
        $locale->colReorder( 'arab-cyrl-others-symbol' );
        # Now: en-u-kr-arab-cyrl-others-symbol
        # Reorder Arabic characters first, then Cyrillic, and put
        # symbols at the end—after all other characters.

    Sets collation reorder codes.

    Sets or gets the Unicode extension "kr"

    See "Collation Options" for more information.

    This is an alias for "colValue"

        $locale->colStrength( 'level1' );
        # Now: ks-level1
        # or, equivalent:
        $locale->colStrength( 'primary' );

        $locale->colStrength( 'level2' );
        # or, equivalent:
        $locale->colStrength( 'secondary' );

        $locale->colStrength( 'level3' );
        # or, equivalent:
        $locale->colStrength( 'tertiary' );

        $locale->colStrength( 'level4' );
        # or, equivalent:
        $locale->colStrength( 'quaternary' );
        $locale->colStrength( 'quarternary' );

        $locale->colStrength( 'identic' );
        $locale->colStrength( 'identic' );
        $locale->colStrength( 'identical' );

    Sets the collation parameter key for collation strength used for

    Sets or gets the Unicode extension "ks"

    See "Collation Options" for more information.

        $locale->colValue( 'currency' );
        $locale->colValue( 'punct' );
        $locale->colValue( 'space' );
        $locale->colValue( 'symbol' );

    Sets the collation value for the last reordering group to be affected by

    Sets or gets the Unicode extension "kv"

    See "Collation Options" for more information.

    Sets the string value for the variable top.

    Sets or gets the Unicode extension "vt"

    See "Collation Options" for more information.

        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'en' );
        $locale->country_code( 'US' );
        # Now: en-US
        $locale->country_code( 'GB' );
        # Now: en-GB

    Sets or gets the country code part of the "locale".

    A country code should be an ISO 3166 2-letters code, but keep in mind
    that the LDML (Locale Data Markup Language) accepts old data to ensure

        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'ja' );
        $locale->cu( 'jpy' );
        # Now: ja-u-cu-jpy
        # which is the Japanese Yens

    This is a Unicode currency identifier that specifies a type of currency
    (ISO 4217 code.

    This is an alias for "currency"

        # Using minus sign symbol for negative numbers
        $locale->cf( 'standard' );
        # Using parentheses for negative numbers
        $locale->cf( 'account' );

    This is a currency format identifier such as "standard" or "account"

    Sets or gets the Unicode extension "cf"

    See the section on "BCP47 EXTENSIONS" for the proper values.

        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'ja' );
        $locale->currency( 'jpy' );
        # or
        # $locale->cu( 'jpy' );
        # Now: ja-u-cu-jpy
        # which is the Japanese yens

    Sets or gets the Unicode extension "cu"

    This specifies a type of ISO4217 currency code.

    This is an alias for "destination"

    This is an alias for "destination"

    Sets or gets the Transformation extension "d0" for destination.

    See the section on "Transform extensions" for more information.

    This is an alias for "break_exclusion"

    This is an alias for "emoji"

    This is a Unicode Emoji Presentation Style Identifier that specifies a
    request for the preferred emoji presentation style.

    Sets or gets the Unicode extension "em".

    This is read-only and returns a Locale::Unicode::Boolean object
    representing a false value.

    This is an alias for "first_day"

    This is a Unicode First Day Identifier that specifies the preferred
    first day of the week for calendar display.

    Sets or gets the Unicode extension "fw".

    Its values are "sun", "mon", etc... "sat"

    This is an alias for "hybrid"

    This is an alias for "hour_cycle"

    This is a Unicode Hour Cycle Identifier that specifies the preferred
    time cycle.

    Sets or gets the Unicode extension "hc".

        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'ru' );
        $locale->transform( 'en' );
        $locale->hybrid(1); # true
        # or
        # $locale->hybrid( 'hybrid' );
        # or
        # $locale->h0( 'hybrid' );
        # Now: ru-t-en-h0-hybrid
        # Hybrid Cyrillic - Runglish

        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'en' );
        $locale->transform( 'zh-hant' );
        $locale->hybrid( 'hybrid' );
        # Now: en-t-zh-hant-h0-hybrid
        # which is Hybrid Latin - Chinglish

    Those are Hybrid Locale Identifiers indicating that the "t" value is a
    language that is mixed into the main language tag to form a hybrid.

    Sets or gets the Transformation extension "h0".

    See the section on "Transform extensions" for more information.

    This is an alias for "input"

    This is an alias for "keyboard"

        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'zh' );
        $locale->input( 'pinyin' );
        # Now: zh-t-i0-pinyin

    This is an Input Method Engine transformation.

    Sets or gets the Transformation extension "i0".

    See the section on "Transform extensions" for more information.

    This is an alias for "colAlternate"

    This is an alias for "colBackwards"

    This is an alias for "colCaseLevel"

        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'en' );
        $locale->keyboard( 'dvorak' );
        # Now: en-t-k0-dvorak

    This is a keyboard transformation, such as used by client-side virtual

    Sets or gets the Transformation extension "k0".

    See the section on "Transform extensions" for more information.

    This is an alias for "colCaseFirst"

    This is an alias for "colHiraganaQuaternary"

    This is an alias for "colNormalization"

    This is an alias for "colNumeric"

    This is an alias for "colReorder"

    This is an alias for "colStrength"

    This is an alias for "colValue"

        # current value: fr-FR
        $obj->lang( 'de' );
        # Now: de-FR

    Sets or gets the "locale" part of this Local object.

    See also "locale"

    This is an alias for "line_break"

    This is a Unicode Line Break Style Identifier that specifies a preferred
    line break style corresponding to the CSS level 3 line-break option.

    Sets or gets the Unicode extension "lb".

    This is a Unicode Line Break Word Identifier that specifies a preferred
    line break word handling behavior corresponding to the CSS level 3
    word-break option

    Sets or gets the Unicode extension "lw".

    This is an alias for "lang"

        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'jpn' );
        $locale->script( 'Kana' );
        # Now: jpn-Kana

    Sets or gets the 3-letter ISO 639-2 code
    <>. Keep in
    mind, however, that to ensure stability, the LDML (Locale Data Markup
    Language) also uses old data.

    This is an alias for "line_break_word"

    This is an alias for "mechanism"

        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'ja' );
        $locale->transform( 'de' );
        $locale->machine( 'und' );
        # Now: ja-t-de-t0-und
        # Japanese translated from Germany by an undefined vendor

    This is used to indicate content that has been machine translated, or a
    request for a particular type of machine translation of content.

    Sets or gets the Transformation extension "t0".

    See the section on "Transform extensions" for more information.

    This is a Unicode Measurement System Identifier that specifies a
    preferred measurement system.

    Sets or gets the Unicode extension "ms".

        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'und-Latn' );
        $locale->transform( 'ru' );
        $locale->mechanism( 'ungegn-2007' );
        # Now: und-Latn-t-ru-m0-ungegn-2007
        # representing a transformation from United Nations Group of Experts on 
        # Geographical Names in 2007

    This is a transformation mechanism referencing an authority or rules for
    a type of transformation.

    Sets or gets the Transformation extension "m0".

    See the section on "Transform extensions" for more information.

    This is an alias for "measurement"

    This is an alias for "unit"

    This is an alias for "number"

    This is a Unicode Number System Identifier that specifies a type of
    number system.

    Sets or gets the Unicode extension "nu".

        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'ja-JP' );
        $locale->private( 'something-else' );
        # Now: ja-JP-x-something-else

    This serves to set or get the value for a private subtag.

        # current value: fr-FR
        $locale->region( 'DE' );
        # Now: fr-DE

    Sets or gets the "region" part of a Unicode locale.

    This is normally an ISO3166-1 country code.

        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'en-GB' );
        $locale->region_override( 'uszzzz' );
        # Now: en-GB-u-rg-uszzzz
        # which is a locale for British English but with region-specific defaults set to US.

    This is a Unicode Region Override that specifies an alternate region to
    use for obtaining certain region-specific default values.

    Sets or gets the Unicode extension "rg".

    When provided with any argument, this will reset the cached value
    computed by "as_string"

    This is an alias for "region_override"

    This is an alias for "source"

        # current value: zh-Hans
        $locale->script( 'Hant' );
        # Now: zh-Hant

    Sets or gets the "script" part of the Locale identifier.

    This is an alias for "subdivision"

    This is a Unicode Sentence Break Suppressions Identifier that specifies
    a set of data to be used for suppressing certain sentence breaks.

    Sets or gets the Unicode extension "ss".

    This is a transformation source for non-languages or scripts, such as
    fullwidth-halfwidth conversion.

    Sets or gets the Transformation extension "s0".

    See the section on "Transform extensions" for more information.

    This is an alias for "sentence_break"

        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'gsw' );
        $locale->subdivision( 'chzh' );
        # or
        # $locale->sd( 'chzh' );
        # Now: gsw-u-sd-chzh

        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'en-US' );
        $locale->sd( 'usca' );
        # Now: en-US-u-sd-usca

    This is a Unicode Subdivision Identifier that specifies a regional
    subdivision used for locale. This is typically the States in the U.S.,
    or prefectures in France or Japan, or provinces in Canada.

    Sets or gets the Unicode extension "sd".

    Be careful of the rule in the standard. For example, "en-CA-u-sd-gbsct"
    would be invalid because "gb" in "gbsct" does not match the region
    subtag "CA"

    This is an alias for "machine"

        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'ja' );
        $locale->transform( 'und' );
        $locale->t_private( 'medical' );
        # Now: ja-t-de-t0-und-x0-medical

    This is a private transformation subtag.

    Sets or gets the Transformation private subtag "x0".

    This is an alias for "t_private"

    This is a Unicode Timezone Identifier that specifies a time zone.

    Sets or gets the Unicode extension "tz".

    This is an alias for "time_zone"

        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'ja' );
        $locale->transform( 'it' );
        # Now: ja-t-it
        # which is Japanese, transformed from Italian

        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'ja-Kana' );
        $locale->transform( 'it' );
        # Now: ja-Kana-t-it
        # which is Japanese Katakana, transformed from Italian

        # 'und' is undefined and is perfectly valid
        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'und-Latn' );
        $locale->transform( 'und-cyrl' );
        # Now: und-Latn-t-und-cyrl
        # which is Latin script, transformed from the Cyrillic script

    Sets or gets the Transformation extension "t".

        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'ja' );
        my $locale2 = Locale::Unicode->new( 'it' );
        $locale->transform_locale( $locale2 );
        # Now: ja-t-it
        my $object = $locale->transform_locale;

    Sets or gets a Locale::Unicode object used to indicate the original
    locale subject to transformation.

    This will trigger an exception if a value, other than "Locale::Unicode"
    or an inheriting class object, is set.

    See the section on "Transform extensions" for more information.

    Sets or gets the Transformation extension "t0".

    This is read-only and returns a Locale::Unicode::Boolean object
    representing a true value.

    This is an alias for "time_zone"

    This is a Measurement Unit Preference Override that specifies an
    override for measurement unit preference.

    Sets or gets the Unicode extension "mu".

    This is an alias for "variant"

    This is a Unicode Variant Identifier that specifies a special variant
    used for locales.

    Sets or gets the Unicode extension "va".

    This is an alias for "colVariableTop"

    Provided with a BCP47 locale, and this returns an hash reference of its
    components if it matches the BCP47 regular expression, which can be
    accessed as global class variable $LOCALE_RE.

    If nothing matches, it returns an empty string in scalar context, or an
    empty list in list context.

    If an error occurs, its sets an error object and returns "undef" in
    scalar context, or an empty list in list context.

        my $hash_ref = Locale::Unicode->parse( 'ja-Kana-t-it' );
        # Transcription in Japanese Katakana of an Italian word:
        # {
        #     ext_transform => "t-it",
        #     ext_transform_subtag => "it",
        #     locale => "ja",
        #     script => "Kana",
        # }
        my $hash_ref = Locale::Unicode->parse( 'he-IL-u-ca-hebrew-tz-jeruslm' );
        # Represents Hebrew as spoken in Israel, using the traditional Hebrew calendar, 
        # and in the "Asia/Jerusalem" time zone
        # {
        #     country_code => "IL",
        #     ext_unicode => "u-ca-hebrew-tz-jeruslm",
        #     ext_unicode_subtag => "ca-hebrew-tz-jeruslm",
        #     locale => "he",
        # }

    Provided with a BCP47 locale, and an optional hash reference like the
    one returned by matches, and this will return an hash reference with
    detailed broken down of the locale embedded information, as per the
    Unicode BCP47 standard.

    Provided with a CLDR timezone ID, such as "jptyo" for "Asia/Tokyo", and
    this returns the IANA Olson name equivalent, which, in this case, would
    be "Asia/Tokyo"

    If an error occurs, its sets an error object and returns "undef" in
    scalar context, or an empty list in list context.

        my $ref = Locale::Unicode->tz_id2names( 'unknown' );
        # yields an empty array object
        my $ref = Locale::Unicode->tz_id2names( 'jptyo' );
        # Asia/Tokyo

    Provided with a CLDR timezone ID, such as "ausyd", which stands
    primarily for "Australia/Sydney", and this returns an array object of
    IANA Olson timezone names, which, in this case, would yield:
    "['Australia/Sydney', 'Australia/ACT', 'Australia/Canberra',

    The order is set by BCP47 timezone data

    If an error occurs, its sets an error object and returns "undef" in
    scalar context, or an empty list in list context.

        my $def = Locale::Unicode->tz_id2names( 'jptyo' );
        # yields the following hash reference:
        # {
        #     alias => [qw( Asia/Tokyo Japan )],
        #     desc => "Tokyo, Japan",
        #     tz => "Asia/Tokyo",
        # }
        my $def = Locale::Unicode->tz_id2names( 'unknown' );
        # yields an empty string (not undef)

    Provided with a CLDR timezone ID, such as "jptyo" and this returns an
    hash reference representing the dictionary entry for that ID.

    If no information exists for the given timezone ID, an empty string is
    returned. "undef" is returned only for errors.

    If an error occurs, its sets an error object and returns "undef" in
    scalar context, or an empty list in list context.

        my $id = Locale::Unicode->tz_name2id( 'Asia/Tokyo' );
        # jptyo
        my $id = Locale::Unicode->tz_name2id( 'Australia/Canberra' );
        # ausyd

    Provided with an IANA Olson timezone name, such as "Asia/Tokyo" and this
    returns its CLDR equivalent, which, in this case, would be "jptyo"

    If none exists, an empty string is returned.

    If an error occurs, its sets an error object and returns "undef" in
    scalar context, or an empty list in list context.

    Any object from this class is overloaded and stringifies to its locale

    For example:

        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new('ja-Kana-t-it' );
        say $locale; # ja-Kana-t-it
        $locale->transform( 'de' );
        say $locale; # ja-Kana-t-de

  Unicode extensions

    *   "gsw-u-sd-chzh"

    Known BCP47 language extensions
    <> as defined in RFC6067
    <> are as follows:

    *   "ca"

        A Unicode calendar identifier
        <> that
        specifies a type of calendar used for formatting and parsing, such
        as date/time symbols and patterns; it also selects supplemental
        calendarData used for calendrical calculations. The value can affect
        the computation of the first day of the week.

        For example:

        *       "ja-u-ca-japanese"

                Japanese Imperial calendar

        *       "th-u-ca-buddhist"

                Thai with Buddist calendar

        Possible values
        .xml> are:

        *       "buddhist"

                Thai Buddhist calendar

        *       "chinese"

                Traditional Chinese calendar

        *       "coptic"

                Coptic calendar

        *       "dangi"

                Traditional Korean calendar

        *       "ethioaa"

                Ethiopic calendar, Amete Alem (epoch approx. 5493 B.C.E)

        *       "ethiopic"

                Ethiopic calendar, Amete Mihret (epoch approx, 8 C.E.)

        *       "gregory"

                Gregorian calendar

        *       "hebrew"

                Traditional Hebrew calendar

        *       "indian"

                Indian calendar

        *       "islamic"

                Hijri calendar

        *       "islamic-civil"

                Hijri calendar, tabular (intercalary years
                [2,5,7,10,13,16,18,21,24,26,29] - civil epoch)

        *       "islamic-rgsa"

                Hijri calendar, Saudi Arabia sighting

        *       "islamic-tbla"

                Hijri calendar, tabular (intercalary years
                [2,5,7,10,13,16,18,21,24,26,29] - astronomical epoch)

        *       "islamic-umalqura"

                Hijri calendar, Umm al-Qura

        *       "islamicc"

                Civil (algorithmic) Arabic calendar

        *       "iso8601"

                ISO calendar (Gregorian calendar using the ISO 8601 calendar
                week rules)

        *       "japanese"

                Japanese Imperial calendar

        *       "persian"

                Persian calendar

        *       "roc"

                Republic of China calendar

    *   "cf"

        A Unicode currency format identifier

        Typical values are:

        *       "standard"

                Default value. Negative numbers use the minusSign symbol.

        *       "account"

                Negative numbers use parentheses or equivalent.

    *   "co"

        A Unicode collation identifier
        <> that
        specifies a type of collation (sort order).

        Possible values
        n.xml> are:

        *       "big5han"

                Pinyin ordering for Latin, big5 charset ordering for CJK
                characters (used in Chinese)

        *       "compat"

                A previous version of the ordering, for compatibility

        *       "dict"

                Dictionary style ordering (such as in Sinhala)

        *       "direct"

                Binary code point order (used in Hindi)

        *       "ducet"

                The default Unicode collation element table order

        *       "emoji"

                Recommended ordering for emoji characters

        *       "eor"

                European ordering rules

        *       "gb2312"

                Pinyin ordering for Latin, gb2312han charset ordering for
                CJK characters (used in Chinese)

        *       "phonebk"

                Phonebook style ordering (such as in German)

        *       "phonetic"

                Phonetic ordering (sorting based on pronunciation)

        *       "pinyin"

                Pinyin ordering for Latin and for CJK characters (used in

        *       "reformed"

                Reformed ordering (such as in Swedish)

        *       "search"

                Special collation type for string search

        *       "searchjl"

                Special collation type for Korean initial consonant search

        *       "standard"

                Default ordering for each language

        *       "stroke"

                Pinyin ordering for Latin, stroke order for CJK characters
                (used in Chinese)

        *       "trad"

                Traditional style ordering (such as in Spanish)

        *       "unihan"

                Pinyin ordering for Latin, Unihan radical-stroke ordering
                for CJK characters (used in Chinese)

        *       "zhuyin"

                Pinyin ordering for Latin, zhuyin order for Bopomofo and CJK
                characters (used in Chinese)

        For example: "de-u-co-phonebk-ka-shifted" (German using Phonebook
        sorting, ignore punct.)

    *   "cu"

        A Unicode Currency Identifier
        <> that
        specifies a type of currency (ISO 4217 code
        .xml>) consisting of 3 ASCII letters that are or have been valid in
        ISO 4217, plus certain additional codes that are or have been in
        common use.

        For example: "ja-u-cu-jpy" (Japanese yens)

    *   "dx"

        A Unicode Dictionary Break Exclusion Identifier
        entifier> specifies scripts to be excluded from dictionary-based
        text break (for words and lines).

        A proper value is one or more Unicode script subtags separated by
        hyphen. Their order is not important, but canonical order is
        alphabetical, such as "dx-hani-thai"

        For example:

        *       "dx-hani-hira-kata"

        *       "dx-thai-hani"

    *   "em"

        A Unicode Emoji Presentation Style Identifier
        tifier> specifies a request for the preferred emoji presentation

        Possible values
        xml> are:

        *       "emoji"

                Use an emoji presentation for emoji characters if possible.

        *       "text"

                Use a text presentation for emoji characters if possible.

        *       "default"

                Use the default presentation for emoji characters as
                specified in UTR #51

    *   "fw"

        A Unicode First Day Identifier
        defines the preferred first day of the week for calendar display.

        Possible values
        .xml> are:

        *       "sun"


        *       "mon"


        *       "tue"


        *       "wed"


        *       "thu"


        *       "fri"


        *       "sat"


    *   "hc"

        A Unicode Hour Cycle Identifier
        defines the preferred time cycle.

        Possible values
        .xml> are:

        *       "h12"

                Hour system using 1–12; corresponds to "h" in patterns

        *       "h23"

                Hour system using 0–23; corresponds to "H" in patterns

        *       "h11"

                Hour system using 0–11; corresponds to "K" in patterns

        *       "h24"

                Hour system using 1–24; corresponds to "k" in pattern

    *   "lb"

        A Unicode Line Break Style Identifier
        defines a preferred line break style corresponding to the CSS level
        3 line-break option

        Possible values
        3a9b909eac3151/common/bcp47/segmentation.xml#L16> are:

        *       "strict"

                CSS level 3 line-break=strict, e.g. treat CJ as NS

        *       "normal"

                CSS level 3 line-break=normal, e.g. treat CJ as ID, break
                before hyphens for ja,zh

        *       "loose"

                CSS lev 3 line-break=loose

    *   "lw"

        A Unicode Line Break Word Identifier
        defines preferred line break word handling behavior corresponding to
        the CSS level 3 word-break option

        Possible values
        tion.xml> are:

        *       "normal"

                CSS level 3 word-break=normal, normal script/language
                behavior for midword breaks

        *       "breakall"

                CSS level 3 word-break=break-all, allow midword breaks
                unless forbidden by lb setting

        *       "keepall"

                CSS level 3 word-break=keep-all, prohibit midword breaks
                except for dictionary breaks

        *       "phrase"

                Prioritise keeping natural phrases (of multiple words)
                together when breaking, used in short text like title and

    *   "ms"

        A Unicode Measurement System Identifier
        r> defines a preferred measurement system. Specifying "ms" in a
        locale identifier overrides the default value specified by
        supplemental measurement system data for the region

        Possible values
        xml> are:

        *       "metric"

                Metric System

        *       "ussystem"

                US System of measurement: feet, pints, etc.; pints are 16oz

        *       "uksystem"

                UK System of measurement: feet, pints, etc.; pints are 20oz

    *   "mu"

        A Measurement Unit Preference Override
        > defines an override for measurement unit preference.

        Possible values
        xml> are:

        *       "celsius"

                Celsius as temperature unit

        *       "kelvin"

                Kelvin as temperature unit

        *       "fahrenhe"

                Fahrenheit as temperature unit

    *   "nu"

        A Unicode Number System Identifier
        defines a type of number system.

        For example: "ar-u-nu-native" (Arabic with native digits such as
        "٠٥٢٣٤"), or "ar-u-nu-latn" (Arabic with Western digits such as

        Possible values
        ml> are:

        *       "4-letters Unicode script subtag"

        *       "arabext"

                Extended Arabic-Indic digits ("arab" means the base
                Arabic-Indic digits)

        *       "armnlow"

                Armenian lowercase numerals

        *       "finance"

                Financial numerals

        *       "fullwide"

                Full width digits

        *       "greklow"

                Greek lower case numerals

        *       "hanidays"

                Han-character day-of-month numbering for lunar/other
                traditional calendars

        *       "hanidec"

                Positional decimal system using Chinese number ideographs as

        *       "hansfin"

                Simplified Chinese financial numerals

        *       "hantfin"

                Traditional Chinese financial numerals

        *       "jpanfin"

                Japanese financial numerals

        *       "jpanyear"

                Japanese first-year Gannen numbering for Japanese calendar

        *       "lanatham"

                Tai Tham Tham (ecclesiastical) digits

        *       "mathbold"

                Mathematical bold digits

        *       "mathdbl"

                Mathematical double-struck digits

        *       "mathmono"

                Mathematical monospace digits

        *       "mathsanb"

                Mathematical sans-serif bold digits

        *       "mathsans"

                Mathematical sans-serif digits

        *       "mymrepka"

                Myanmar Eastern Pwo Karen digits

        *       "mymrpao"

                Myanmar Pao digits

        *       "mymrshan"

                Myanmar Shan digits

        *       "mymrtlng"

                Myanmar Tai Laing digits

        *       "native"

                Native digits

        *       "outlined"

                Legacy computing outlined digits

        *       "roman"

                Roman numerals

        *       "romanlow"

                Roman lowercase numerals

        *       "segment"

                Legacy computing segmented digits

        *       "tamldec"

                Modern Tamil decimal digits

        *       "traditio"

                Traditional numerals

    *   "rg"

        A Region Override <>
        specifies an alternate region to use for obtaining certain
        region-specific default values

        For example: "en-GB-u-rg-uszzzz" representing a locale for British
        English but with region-specific defaults set to US.

    *   "sd"

        A Unicode Subdivision Identifier
        defines a regional subdivision
        <> used
        for locales.

        They are called various names, such as a state in the United States,
        or a prefecture in Japan or France, or a province in Canada.

        For example:

        *       "en-u-sd-uszzzz"

                Subdivision codes for unknown values are the region code
                plus "zzzz", such as here with "uszzzz" for an unknown
                subdivision of the US.

        *       "en-US-u-sd-usca"

                English as used in California, USA

        "en-CA-u-sd-gbsct" would be invalid because "gb" in "gbsct" does not
        match the region subtag "CA"

    *   "ss"

        A Unicode Sentence Break Suppressions Identifier
        dentifier> defines a set of data to be used for suppressing certain
        sentence breaks

        Possible values
        3a9b909eac3151/common/bcp47/segmentation.xml#L29> are:

        *       "none" (default)

                Do not use sentence break suppressions data

        *       "standard"

                Use sentence break suppressions data of type "standard"

    *   "tz"

        A Unicode Timezone Identifier
        defines a timezone.

        To access those values, check the class functions "tz_id2name",
        tz_id2names, "tz_info" and "tz_name2id"

        Possible values
        .xml> are:

        *       "adalv"

                Name: Andorra

                Time zone: "Europe/Andorra"

        *       "aedxb"

                Name: Dubai, United Arab Emirates

                Time zone: "Asia/Dubai"

        *       "afkbl"

                Name: Kabul, Afghanistan

                Time zone: "Asia/Kabul"

        *       "aganu"

                Name: Antigua

                Time zone: "America/Antigua"

        *       "aiaxa"

                Name: Anguilla

                Time zone: "America/Anguilla"

        *       "altia"

                Name: Tirane, Albania

                Time zone: "Europe/Tirane"

        *       "amevn"

                Name: Yerevan, Armenia

                Time zone: "Asia/Yerevan"

        *       "ancur"

                Name: Curaçao

                Time zone: "America/Curacao"

        *       "aolad"

                Name: Luanda, Angola

                Time zone: "Africa/Luanda"

        *       "aqams"

                Amundsen-Scott Station, South Pole

                Deprecated. See instead "nzakl"

        *       "aqcas"

                Name: Casey Station, Bailey Peninsula

                Time zone: "Antarctica/Casey"

        *       "aqdav"

                Name: Davis Station, Vestfold Hills

                Time zone: "Antarctica/Davis"

        *       "aqddu"

                Name: Dumont d'Urville Station, Terre AdĂŠlie

                Time zone: "Antarctica/DumontDUrville"

        *       "aqmaw"

                Name: Mawson Station, Holme Bay

                Time zone: "Antarctica/Mawson"

        *       "aqmcm"

                Name: McMurdo Station, Ross Island

                Time zone: "Antarctica/McMurdo"

        *       "aqplm"

                Name: Palmer Station, Anvers Island

                Time zone: "Antarctica/Palmer"

        *       "aqrot"

                Name: Rothera Station, Adelaide Island

                Time zone: "Antarctica/Rothera"

        *       "aqsyw"

                Name: Syowa Station, East Ongul Island

                Time zone: "Antarctica/Syowa"

        *       "aqtrl"

                Name: Troll Station, Queen Maud Land

                Time zone: "Antarctica/Troll"

        *       "aqvos"

                Name: Vostok Station, Lake Vostok

                Time zone: "Antarctica/Vostok"

        *       "arbue"

                Name: Buenos Aires, Argentina

                Time zone: "America/Buenos_Aires",

        *       "arcor"

                Name: CĂłrdoba, Argentina

                Time zone: "America/Cordoba", "America/Argentina/Cordoba",

        *       "arctc"

                Name: Catamarca, Argentina

                Time zone: "America/Catamarca",

        *       "arirj"

                Name: La Rioja, Argentina

                Time zone: "America/Argentina/La_Rioja"

        *       "arjuj"

                Name: Jujuy, Argentina

                Time zone: "America/Jujuy", "America/Argentina/Jujuy"

        *       "arluq"

                Name: San Luis, Argentina

                Time zone: "America/Argentina/San_Luis"

        *       "armdz"

                Name: Mendoza, Argentina

                Time zone: "America/Mendoza", "America/Argentina/Mendoza"

        *       "arrgl"

                Name: RĂ­o Gallegos, Argentina

                Time zone: "America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos"

        *       "arsla"

                Name: Salta, Argentina

                Time zone: "America/Argentina/Salta"

        *       "artuc"

                Name: TucumĂĄn, Argentina

                Time zone: "America/Argentina/Tucuman"

        *       "aruaq"

                Name: San Juan, Argentina

                Time zone: "America/Argentina/San_Juan"

        *       "arush"

                Name: Ushuaia, Argentina

                Time zone: "America/Argentina/Ushuaia"

        *       "asppg"

                Name: Pago Pago, American Samoa

                Time zone: "Pacific/Pago_Pago", "Pacific/Samoa", "US/Samoa"

        *       "atvie"

                Name: Vienna, Austria

                Time zone: "Europe/Vienna"

        *       "auadl"

                Name: Adelaide, Australia

                Time zone: "Australia/Adelaide", "Australia/South"

        *       "aubhq"

                Name: Broken Hill, Australia

                Time zone: "Australia/Broken_Hill", "Australia/Yancowinna"

        *       "aubne"

                Name: Brisbane, Australia

                Time zone: "Australia/Brisbane", "Australia/Queensland"

        *       "audrw"

                Name: Darwin, Australia

                Time zone: "Australia/Darwin", "Australia/North"

        *       "aueuc"

                Name: Eucla, Australia

                Time zone: "Australia/Eucla"

        *       "auhba"

                Name: Hobart, Australia

                Time zone: "Australia/Hobart", "Australia/Tasmania",

        *       "aukns"

                Currie, Australia

                Deprecated. See instead "auhba"

        *       "auldc"

                Name: Lindeman Island, Australia

                Time zone: "Australia/Lindeman"

        *       "auldh"

                Name: Lord Howe Island, Australia

                Time zone: "Australia/Lord_Howe", "Australia/LHI"

        *       "aumel"

                Name: Melbourne, Australia

                Time zone: "Australia/Melbourne", "Australia/Victoria"

        *       "aumqi"

                Name: Macquarie Island Station, Macquarie Island

                Time zone: "Antarctica/Macquarie"

        *       "auper"

                Name: Perth, Australia

                Time zone: "Australia/Perth", "Australia/West"

        *       "ausyd"

                Name: Sydney, Australia

                Time zone: "Australia/Sydney", "Australia/ACT",
                "Australia/Canberra", "Australia/NSW"

        *       "awaua"

                Name: Aruba

                Time zone: "America/Aruba"

        *       "azbak"

                Name: Baku, Azerbaijan

                Time zone: "Asia/Baku"

        *       "basjj"

                Name: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

                Time zone: "Europe/Sarajevo"

        *       "bbbgi"

                Name: Barbados

                Time zone: "America/Barbados"

        *       "bddac"

                Name: Dhaka, Bangladesh

                Time zone: "Asia/Dhaka", "Asia/Dacca"

        *       "bebru"

                Name: Brussels, Belgium

                Time zone: "Europe/Brussels"

        *       "bfoua"

                Name: Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

                Time zone: "Africa/Ouagadougou"

        *       "bgsof"

                Name: Sofia, Bulgaria

                Time zone: "Europe/Sofia"

        *       "bhbah"

                Name: Bahrain

                Time zone: "Asia/Bahrain"

        *       "bibjm"

                Name: Bujumbura, Burundi

                Time zone: "Africa/Bujumbura"

        *       "bjptn"

                Name: Porto-Novo, Benin

                Time zone: "Africa/Porto-Novo"

        *       "bmbda"

                Name: Bermuda

                Time zone: "Atlantic/Bermuda"

        *       "bnbwn"

                Name: Brunei

                Time zone: "Asia/Brunei"

        *       "bolpb"

                Name: La Paz, Bolivia

                Time zone: "America/La_Paz"

        *       "bqkra"

                Name: Bonaire, Sint Estatius and Saba

                Time zone: "America/Kralendijk"

        *       "braux"

                Name: AraguaĂ­na, Brazil

                Time zone: "America/Araguaina"

        *       "brbel"

                Name: BelĂŠm, Brazil

                Time zone: "America/Belem"

        *       "brbvb"

                Name: Boa Vista, Brazil

                Time zone: "America/Boa_Vista"

        *       "brcgb"

                Name: CuiabĂĄ, Brazil

                Time zone: "America/Cuiaba"

        *       "brcgr"

                Name: Campo Grande, Brazil

                Time zone: "America/Campo_Grande"

        *       "brern"

                Name: EirunepĂŠ, Brazil

                Time zone: "America/Eirunepe"

        *       "brfen"

                Name: Fernando de Noronha, Brazil

                Time zone: "America/Noronha", "Brazil/DeNoronha"

        *       "brfor"

                Name: Fortaleza, Brazil

                Time zone: "America/Fortaleza"

        *       "brmao"

                Name: Manaus, Brazil

                Time zone: "America/Manaus", "Brazil/West"

        *       "brmcz"

                Name: MaceiĂł, Brazil

                Time zone: "America/Maceio"

        *       "brpvh"

                Name: Porto Velho, Brazil

                Time zone: "America/Porto_Velho"

        *       "brrbr"

                Name: Rio Branco, Brazil

                Time zone: "America/Rio_Branco", "America/Porto_Acre",

        *       "brrec"

                Name: Recife, Brazil

                Time zone: "America/Recife"

        *       "brsao"

                Name: SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil

                Time zone: "America/Sao_Paulo", "Brazil/East"

        *       "brssa"

                Name: Bahia, Brazil

                Time zone: "America/Bahia"

        *       "brstm"

                Name: SantarĂŠm, Brazil

                Time zone: "America/Santarem"

        *       "bsnas"

                Name: Nassau, Bahamas

                Time zone: "America/Nassau"

        *       "btthi"

                Name: Thimphu, Bhutan

                Time zone: "Asia/Thimphu", "Asia/Thimbu"

        *       "bwgbe"

                Name: Gaborone, Botswana

                Time zone: "Africa/Gaborone"

        *       "bymsq"

                Name: Minsk, Belarus

                Time zone: "Europe/Minsk"

        *       "bzbze"

                Name: Belize

                Time zone: "America/Belize"

        *       "cacfq"

                Name: Creston, Canada

                Time zone: "America/Creston"

        *       "caedm"

                Name: Edmonton, Canada

                Time zone: "America/Edmonton", "Canada/Mountain",

        *       "caffs"

                Rainy River, Canada

                Deprecated. See instead "cawnp"

        *       "cafne"

                Name: Fort Nelson, Canada

                Time zone: "America/Fort_Nelson"

        *       "caglb"

                Name: Glace Bay, Canada

                Time zone: "America/Glace_Bay"

        *       "cagoo"

                Name: Goose Bay, Canada

                Time zone: "America/Goose_Bay"

        *       "cahal"

                Name: Halifax, Canada

                Time zone: "America/Halifax", "Canada/Atlantic"

        *       "caiql"

                Name: Iqaluit, Canada

                Time zone: "America/Iqaluit", "America/Pangnirtung"

        *       "camon"

                Name: Moncton, Canada

                Time zone: "America/Moncton"

        *       "camtr"

                Montreal, Canada

                Deprecated. See instead "cator"

        *       "capnt"

                Pangnirtung, Canada

                Deprecated. See instead "caiql"

        *       "careb"

                Name: Resolute, Canada

                Time zone: "America/Resolute"

        *       "careg"

                Name: Regina, Canada

                Time zone: "America/Regina", "Canada/East-Saskatchewan",

        *       "casjf"

                Name: St. John's, Canada

                Time zone: "America/St_Johns", "Canada/Newfoundland"

        *       "canpg"

                Nipigon, Canada

                Deprecated. See instead "cator"

        *       "cathu"

                Thunder Bay, Canada

                Deprecated. See instead "cator"

        *       "cator"

                Name: Toronto, Canada

                Time zone: "America/Toronto", "America/Montreal",
                "Canada/Eastern", "America/Nipigon", "America/Thunder_Bay"

        *       "cavan"

                Name: Vancouver, Canada

                Time zone: "America/Vancouver", "Canada/Pacific"

        *       "cawnp"

                Name: Winnipeg, Canada

                Time zone: "America/Winnipeg", "Canada/Central",

        *       "caybx"

                Name: Blanc-Sablon, Canada

                Time zone: "America/Blanc-Sablon"

        *       "caycb"

                Name: Cambridge Bay, Canada

                Time zone: "America/Cambridge_Bay"

        *       "cayda"

                Name: Dawson, Canada

                Time zone: "America/Dawson"

        *       "caydq"

                Name: Dawson Creek, Canada

                Time zone: "America/Dawson_Creek"

        *       "cayek"

                Name: Rankin Inlet, Canada

                Time zone: "America/Rankin_Inlet"

        *       "cayev"

                Name: Inuvik, Canada

                Time zone: "America/Inuvik"

        *       "cayxy"

                Name: Whitehorse, Canada

                Time zone: "America/Whitehorse", "Canada/Yukon"

        *       "cayyn"

                Name: Swift Current, Canada

                Time zone: "America/Swift_Current"

        *       "cayzf"

                Yellowknife, Canada

                Deprecated. See instead "caedm"

        *       "cayzs"

                Name: Atikokan, Canada

                Time zone: "America/Coral_Harbour", "America/Atikokan"

        *       "cccck"

                Name: Cocos (Keeling) Islands

                Time zone: "Indian/Cocos"

        *       "cdfbm"

                Name: Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo

                Time zone: "Africa/Lubumbashi"

        *       "cdfih"

                Name: Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo

                Time zone: "Africa/Kinshasa"

        *       "cfbgf"

                Name: Bangui, Central African Republic

                Time zone: "Africa/Bangui"

        *       "cgbzv"

                Name: Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo

                Time zone: "Africa/Brazzaville"

        *       "chzrh"

                Name: Zurich, Switzerland

                Time zone: "Europe/Zurich"

        *       "ciabj"

                Name: Abidjan, CĂ´te d'Ivoire

                Time zone: "Africa/Abidjan"

        *       "ckrar"

                Name: Rarotonga, Cook Islands

                Time zone: "Pacific/Rarotonga"

        *       "clipc"

                Name: Easter Island, Chile

                Time zone: "Pacific/Easter", "Chile/EasterIsland"

        *       "clpuq"

                Name: Punta Arenas, Chile

                Time zone: "America/Punta_Arenas"

        *       "clscl"

                Name: Santiago, Chile

                Time zone: "America/Santiago", "Chile/Continental"

        *       "cmdla"

                Name: Douala, Cameroon

                Time zone: "Africa/Douala"

        *       "cnckg"

                Chongqing, China

                Deprecated. See instead "cnsha"

        *       "cnhrb"

                Harbin, China

                Deprecated. See instead "cnsha"

        *       "cnkhg"

                Kashgar, China

                Deprecated. See instead "cnurc"

        *       "cnsha"

                Name: Shanghai, China

                Time zone: "Asia/Shanghai", "Asia/Chongqing",
                "Asia/Chungking", "Asia/Harbin", "PRC"

        *       "cnurc"

                Name: Ürümqi, China

                Time zone: "Asia/Urumqi", "Asia/Kashgar"

        *       "cobog"

                Name: BogotĂĄ, Colombia

                Time zone: "America/Bogota"

        *       "crsjo"

                Name: Costa Rica

                Time zone: "America/Costa_Rica"

        *       "cst6cdt"

                Name: POSIX style time zone for US Central Time

                Time zone: "CST6CDT"

        *       "cuhav"

                Name: Havana, Cuba

                Time zone: "America/Havana", "Cuba"

        *       "cvrai"

                Name: Cape Verde

                Time zone: "Atlantic/Cape_Verde"

        *       "cxxch"

                Name: Christmas Island

                Time zone: "Indian/Christmas"

        *       "cyfmg"

                Name: Famagusta, Cyprus

                Time zone: "Asia/Famagusta"

        *       "cynic"

                Name: Nicosia, Cyprus

                Time zone: "Asia/Nicosia", "Europe/Nicosia"

        *       "czprg"

                Name: Prague, Czech Republic

                Time zone: "Europe/Prague"

        *       "deber"

                Name: Berlin, Germany

                Time zone: "Europe/Berlin"

        *       "debsngn"

                Name: Busingen, Germany

                Time zone: "Europe/Busingen"

        *       "djjib"

                Name: Djibouti

                Time zone: "Africa/Djibouti"

        *       "dkcph"

                Name: Copenhagen, Denmark

                Time zone: "Europe/Copenhagen"

        *       "dmdom"

                Name: Dominica

                Time zone: "America/Dominica"

        *       "dosdq"

                Name: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

                Time zone: "America/Santo_Domingo"

        *       "dzalg"

                Name: Algiers, Algeria

                Time zone: "Africa/Algiers"

        *       "ecgps"

                Name: GalĂĄpagos Islands, Ecuador

                Time zone: "Pacific/Galapagos"

        *       "ecgye"

                Name: Guayaquil, Ecuador

                Time zone: "America/Guayaquil"

        *       "eetll"

                Name: Tallinn, Estonia

                Time zone: "Europe/Tallinn"

        *       "egcai"

                Name: Cairo, Egypt

                Time zone: "Africa/Cairo", "Egypt"

        *       "eheai"

                Name: El AaiĂşn, Western Sahara

                Time zone: "Africa/El_Aaiun"

        *       "erasm"

                Name: Asmara, Eritrea

                Time zone: "Africa/Asmera", "Africa/Asmara"

        *       "esceu"

                Name: Ceuta, Spain

                Time zone: "Africa/Ceuta"

        *       "eslpa"

                Name: Canary Islands, Spain

                Time zone: "Atlantic/Canary"

        *       "esmad"

                Name: Madrid, Spain

                Time zone: "Europe/Madrid"

        *       "est5edt"

                Name: POSIX style time zone for US Eastern Time

                Time zone: "EST5EDT"

        *       "etadd"

                Name: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

                Time zone: "Africa/Addis_Ababa"

        *       "fihel"

                Name: Helsinki, Finland

                Time zone: "Europe/Helsinki"

        *       "fimhq"

                Name: Mariehamn, Åland, Finland

                Time zone: "Europe/Mariehamn"

        *       "fjsuv"

                Name: Fiji

                Time zone: "Pacific/Fiji"

        *       "fkpsy"

                Name: Stanley, Falkland Islands

                Time zone: "Atlantic/Stanley"

        *       "fmksa"

                Name: Kosrae, Micronesia

                Time zone: "Pacific/Kosrae"

        *       "fmpni"

                Name: Pohnpei, Micronesia

                Time zone: "Pacific/Ponape", "Pacific/Pohnpei"

        *       "fmtkk"

                Name: Chuuk, Micronesia

                Time zone: "Pacific/Truk", "Pacific/Chuuk", "Pacific/Yap"

        *       "fotho"

                Name: Faroe Islands

                Time zone: "Atlantic/Faeroe", "Atlantic/Faroe"

        *       "frpar"

                Name: Paris, France

                Time zone: "Europe/Paris"

        *       "galbv"

                Name: Libreville, Gabon

                Time zone: "Africa/Libreville"

        *       "gaza"

                Gaza Strip, Palestinian Territories

                Deprecated. See instead "gazastrp"

        *       "gazastrp"

                Name: Gaza Strip, Palestinian Territories

                Time zone: "Asia/Gaza"

        *       "gblon"

                Name: London, United Kingdom

                Time zone: "Europe/London", "Europe/Belfast", "GB",

        *       "gdgnd"

                Name: Grenada

                Time zone: "America/Grenada"

        *       "getbs"

                Name: Tbilisi, Georgia

                Time zone: "Asia/Tbilisi"

        *       "gfcay"

                Name: Cayenne, French Guiana

                Time zone: "America/Cayenne"

        *       "gggci"

                Name: Guernsey

                Time zone: "Europe/Guernsey"

        *       "ghacc"

                Name: Accra, Ghana

                Time zone: "Africa/Accra"

        *       "gigib"

                Name: Gibraltar

                Time zone: "Europe/Gibraltar"

        *       "gldkshvn"

                Name: Danmarkshavn, Greenland

                Time zone: "America/Danmarkshavn"

        *       "glgoh"

                Name: Nuuk (GodthĂĽb), Greenland

                Time zone: "America/Godthab", "America/Nuuk"

        *       "globy"

                Name: Ittoqqortoormiit (Scoresbysund), Greenland

                Time zone: "America/Scoresbysund"

        *       "glthu"

                Name: Qaanaaq (Thule), Greenland

                Time zone: "America/Thule"

        *       "gmbjl"

                Name: Banjul, Gambia

                Time zone: "Africa/Banjul"

        *       "gmt"

                Name: Greenwich Mean Time

                Time zone: "Etc/GMT", "Etc/GMT+0", "Etc/GMT-0", "Etc/GMT0",
                "Etc/Greenwich", "GMT", "GMT+0", "GMT-0", "GMT0",

        *       "gncky"

                Name: Conakry, Guinea

                Time zone: "Africa/Conakry"

        *       "gpbbr"

                Name: Guadeloupe

                Time zone: "America/Guadeloupe"

        *       "gpmsb"

                Name: Marigot, Saint Martin

                Time zone: "America/Marigot"

        *       "gpsbh"

                Name: Saint BarthĂŠlemy

                Time zone: "America/St_Barthelemy"

        *       "gqssg"

                Name: Malabo, Equatorial Guinea

                Time zone: "Africa/Malabo"

        *       "grath"

                Name: Athens, Greece

                Time zone: "Europe/Athens"

        *       "gsgrv"

                Name: South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

                Time zone: "Atlantic/South_Georgia"

        *       "gtgua"

                Name: Guatemala

                Time zone: "America/Guatemala"

        *       "gugum"

                Name: Guam

                Time zone: "Pacific/Guam"

        *       "gwoxb"

                Name: Bissau, Guinea-Bissau

                Time zone: "Africa/Bissau"

        *       "gygeo"

                Name: Guyana

                Time zone: "America/Guyana"

        *       "hebron"

                Name: West Bank, Palestinian Territories

                Time zone: "Asia/Hebron"

        *       "hkhkg"

                Name: Hong Kong SAR China

                Time zone: "Asia/Hong_Kong", "Hongkong"

        *       "hntgu"

                Name: Tegucigalpa, Honduras

                Time zone: "America/Tegucigalpa"

        *       "hrzag"

                Name: Zagreb, Croatia

                Time zone: "Europe/Zagreb"

        *       "htpap"

                Name: Port-au-Prince, Haiti

                Time zone: "America/Port-au-Prince"

        *       "hubud"

                Name: Budapest, Hungary

                Time zone: "Europe/Budapest"

        *       "iddjj"

                Name: Jayapura, Indonesia

                Time zone: "Asia/Jayapura"

        *       "idjkt"

                Name: Jakarta, Indonesia

                Time zone: "Asia/Jakarta"

        *       "idmak"

                Name: Makassar, Indonesia

                Time zone: "Asia/Makassar", "Asia/Ujung_Pandang"

        *       "idpnk"

                Name: Pontianak, Indonesia

                Time zone: "Asia/Pontianak"

        *       "iedub"

                Name: Dublin, Ireland

                Time zone: "Europe/Dublin", "Eire"

        *       "imdgs"

                Name: Isle of Man

                Time zone: "Europe/Isle_of_Man"

        *       "inccu"

                Name: Kolkata, India

                Time zone: "Asia/Calcutta", "Asia/Kolkata"

        *       "iodga"

                Name: Chagos Archipelago

                Time zone: "Indian/Chagos"

        *       "iqbgw"

                Name: Baghdad, Iraq

                Time zone: "Asia/Baghdad"

        *       "irthr"

                Name: Tehran, Iran

                Time zone: "Asia/Tehran", "Iran"

        *       "isrey"

                Name: Reykjavik, Iceland

                Time zone: "Atlantic/Reykjavik", "Iceland"

        *       "itrom"

                Name: Rome, Italy

                Time zone: "Europe/Rome"

        *       "jeruslm"

                Name: Jerusalem

                Time zone: "Asia/Jerusalem", "Asia/Tel_Aviv", "Israel"

        *       "jesth"

                Name: Jersey

                Time zone: "Europe/Jersey"

        *       "jmkin"

                Name: Jamaica

                Time zone: "America/Jamaica", "Jamaica"

        *       "joamm"

                Name: Amman, Jordan

                Time zone: "Asia/Amman"

        *       "jptyo"

                Name: Tokyo, Japan

                Time zone: "Asia/Tokyo", "Japan"

        *       "kenbo"

                Name: Nairobi, Kenya

                Time zone: "Africa/Nairobi"

        *       "kgfru"

                Name: Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

                Time zone: "Asia/Bishkek"

        *       "khpnh"

                Name: Phnom Penh, Cambodia

                Time zone: "Asia/Phnom_Penh"

        *       "kicxi"

                Name: Kiritimati, Kiribati

                Time zone: "Pacific/Kiritimati"

        *       "kipho"

                Name: Enderbury Island, Kiribati

                Time zone: "Pacific/Enderbury", "Pacific/Kanton"

        *       "kitrw"

                Name: Tarawa, Kiribati

                Time zone: "Pacific/Tarawa"

        *       "kmyva"

                Name: Comoros

                Time zone: "Indian/Comoro"

        *       "knbas"

                Name: Saint Kitts

                Time zone: "America/St_Kitts"

        *       "kpfnj"

                Name: Pyongyang, North Korea

                Time zone: "Asia/Pyongyang"

        *       "krsel"

                Name: Seoul, South Korea

                Time zone: "Asia/Seoul", "ROK"

        *       "kwkwi"

                Name: Kuwait

                Time zone: "Asia/Kuwait"

        *       "kygec"

                Name: Cayman Islands

                Time zone: "America/Cayman"

        *       "kzaau"

                Name: Aqtau, Kazakhstan

                Time zone: "Asia/Aqtau"

        *       "kzakx"

                Name: Aqtobe, Kazakhstan

                Time zone: "Asia/Aqtobe"

        *       "kzala"

                Name: Almaty, Kazakhstan

                Time zone: "Asia/Almaty"

        *       "kzguw"

                Name: Atyrau (Guryev), Kazakhstan

                Time zone: "Asia/Atyrau"

        *       "kzksn"

                Name: Qostanay (Kostanay), Kazakhstan

                Time zone: "Asia/Qostanay"

        *       "kzkzo"

                Name: Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan

                Time zone: "Asia/Qyzylorda"

        *       "kzura"

                Name: Oral, Kazakhstan

                Time zone: "Asia/Oral"

        *       "lavte"

                Name: Vientiane, Laos

                Time zone: "Asia/Vientiane"

        *       "lbbey"

                Name: Beirut, Lebanon

                Time zone: "Asia/Beirut"

        *       "lccas"

                Name: Saint Lucia

                Time zone: "America/St_Lucia"

        *       "livdz"

                Name: Vaduz, Liechtenstein

                Time zone: "Europe/Vaduz"

        *       "lkcmb"

                Name: Colombo, Sri Lanka

                Time zone: "Asia/Colombo"

        *       "lrmlw"

                Name: Monrovia, Liberia

                Time zone: "Africa/Monrovia"

        *       "lsmsu"

                Name: Maseru, Lesotho

                Time zone: "Africa/Maseru"

        *       "ltvno"

                Name: Vilnius, Lithuania

                Time zone: "Europe/Vilnius"

        *       "lulux"

                Name: Luxembourg

                Time zone: "Europe/Luxembourg"

        *       "lvrix"

                Name: Riga, Latvia

                Time zone: "Europe/Riga"

        *       "lytip"

                Name: Tripoli, Libya

                Time zone: "Africa/Tripoli", "Libya"

        *       "macas"

                Name: Casablanca, Morocco

                Time zone: "Africa/Casablanca"

        *       "mcmon"

                Name: Monaco

                Time zone: "Europe/Monaco"

        *       "mdkiv"

                Name: Chişinău, Moldova

                Time zone: "Europe/Chisinau", "Europe/Tiraspol"

        *       "metgd"

                Name: Podgorica, Montenegro

                Time zone: "Europe/Podgorica"

        *       "mgtnr"

                Name: Antananarivo, Madagascar

                Time zone: "Indian/Antananarivo"

        *       "mhkwa"

                Name: Kwajalein, Marshall Islands

                Time zone: "Pacific/Kwajalein", "Kwajalein"

        *       "mhmaj"

                Name: Majuro, Marshall Islands

                Time zone: "Pacific/Majuro"

        *       "mkskp"

                Name: Skopje, Macedonia

                Time zone: "Europe/Skopje"

        *       "mlbko"

                Name: Bamako, Mali

                Time zone: "Africa/Bamako", "Africa/Timbuktu"

        *       "mmrgn"

                Name: Yangon (Rangoon), Burma

                Time zone: "Asia/Rangoon", "Asia/Yangon"

        *       "mncoq"

                Name: Choibalsan, Mongolia

                Time zone: "Asia/Choibalsan"

        *       "mnhvd"

                Name: Khovd (Hovd), Mongolia

                Time zone: "Asia/Hovd"

        *       "mnuln"

                Name: Ulaanbaatar (Ulan Bator), Mongolia

                Time zone: "Asia/Ulaanbaatar", "Asia/Ulan_Bator"

        *       "momfm"

                Name: Macau SAR China

                Time zone: "Asia/Macau", "Asia/Macao"

        *       "mpspn"

                Name: Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands

                Time zone: "Pacific/Saipan"

        *       "mqfdf"

                Name: Martinique

                Time zone: "America/Martinique"

        *       "mrnkc"

                Name: Nouakchott, Mauritania

                Time zone: "Africa/Nouakchott"

        *       "msmni"

                Name: Montserrat

                Time zone: "America/Montserrat"

        *       "mst7mdt"

                Name: POSIX style time zone for US Mountain Time

                Time zone: "MST7MDT"

        *       "mtmla"

                Name: Malta

                Time zone: "Europe/Malta"

        *       "muplu"

                Name: Mauritius

                Time zone: "Indian/Mauritius"

        *       "mvmle"

                Name: Maldives

                Time zone: "Indian/Maldives"

        *       "mwblz"

                Name: Blantyre, Malawi

                Time zone: "Africa/Blantyre"

        *       "mxchi"

                Name: Chihuahua, Mexico

                Time zone: "America/Chihuahua"

        *       "mxcun"

                Name: CancĂşn, Mexico

                Time zone: "America/Cancun"

        *       "mxcjs"

                Name: Ciudad JuĂĄrez, Mexico

                Time zone: "America/Ciudad_Juarez"

        *       "mxhmo"

                Name: Hermosillo, Mexico

                Time zone: "America/Hermosillo"

        *       "mxmam"

                Name: Matamoros, Mexico

                Time zone: "America/Matamoros"

        *       "mxmex"

                Name: Mexico City, Mexico

                Time zone: "America/Mexico_City", "Mexico/General"

        *       "mxmid"

                Name: MĂŠrida, Mexico

                Time zone: "America/Merida"

        *       "mxmty"

                Name: Monterrey, Mexico

                Time zone: "America/Monterrey"

        *       "mxmzt"

                Name: MazatlĂĄn, Mexico

                Time zone: "America/Mazatlan", "Mexico/BajaSur"

        *       "mxoji"

                Name: Ojinaga, Mexico

                Time zone: "America/Ojinaga"

        *       "mxpvr"

                Name: BahĂ­a de Banderas, Mexico

                Time zone: "America/Bahia_Banderas"

        *       "mxstis"

                Santa Isabel (Baja California), Mexico

                Deprecated. See instead "mxtij"

        *       "mxtij"

                Name: Tijuana, Mexico

                Time zone: "America/Tijuana", "America/Ensenada",
                "Mexico/BajaNorte", "America/Santa_Isabel"

        *       "mykch"

                Name: Kuching, Malaysia

                Time zone: "Asia/Kuching"

        *       "mykul"

                Name: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

                Time zone: "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur"

        *       "mzmpm"

                Name: Maputo, Mozambique

                Time zone: "Africa/Maputo"

        *       "nawdh"

                Name: Windhoek, Namibia

                Time zone: "Africa/Windhoek"

        *       "ncnou"

                Name: Noumea, New Caledonia

                Time zone: "Pacific/Noumea"

        *       "nenim"

                Name: Niamey, Niger

                Time zone: "Africa/Niamey"

        *       "nfnlk"

                Name: Norfolk Island

                Time zone: "Pacific/Norfolk"

        *       "nglos"

                Name: Lagos, Nigeria

                Time zone: "Africa/Lagos"

        *       "nimga"

                Name: Managua, Nicaragua

                Time zone: "America/Managua"

        *       "nlams"

                Name: Amsterdam, Netherlands

                Time zone: "Europe/Amsterdam"

        *       "noosl"

                Name: Oslo, Norway

                Time zone: "Europe/Oslo"

        *       "npktm"

                Name: Kathmandu, Nepal

                Time zone: "Asia/Katmandu", "Asia/Kathmandu"

        *       "nrinu"

                Name: Nauru

                Time zone: "Pacific/Nauru"

        *       "nuiue"

                Name: Niue

                Time zone: "Pacific/Niue"

        *       "nzakl"

                Name: Auckland, New Zealand

                Time zone: "Pacific/Auckland", "Antarctica/South_Pole", "NZ"

        *       "nzcht"

                Name: Chatham Islands, New Zealand

                Time zone: "Pacific/Chatham", "NZ-CHAT"

        *       "ommct"

                Name: Muscat, Oman

                Time zone: "Asia/Muscat"

        *       "papty"

                Name: Panama

                Time zone: "America/Panama"

        *       "pelim"

                Name: Lima, Peru

                Time zone: "America/Lima"

        *       "pfgmr"

                Name: Gambiera Islands, French Polynesia

                Time zone: "Pacific/Gambier"

        *       "pfnhv"

                Name: Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia

                Time zone: "Pacific/Marquesas"

        *       "pfppt"

                Name: Tahiti, French Polynesia

                Time zone: "Pacific/Tahiti"

        *       "pgpom"

                Name: Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

                Time zone: "Pacific/Port_Moresby"

        *       "pgraw"

                Name: Bougainville, Papua New Guinea

                Time zone: "Pacific/Bougainville"

        *       "phmnl"

                Name: Manila, Philippines

                Time zone: "Asia/Manila"

        *       "pkkhi"

                Name: Karachi, Pakistan

                Time zone: "Asia/Karachi"

        *       "plwaw"

                Name: Warsaw, Poland

                Time zone: "Europe/Warsaw", "Poland"

        *       "pmmqc"

                Name: Saint Pierre and Miquelon

                Time zone: "America/Miquelon"

        *       "pnpcn"

                Name: Pitcairn Islands

                Time zone: "Pacific/Pitcairn"

        *       "prsju"

                Name: Puerto Rico

                Time zone: "America/Puerto_Rico"

        *       "pst8pdt"

                Name: POSIX style time zone for US Pacific Time

                Time zone: "PST8PDT"

        *       "ptfnc"

                Name: Madeira, Portugal

                Time zone: "Atlantic/Madeira"

        *       "ptlis"

                Name: Lisbon, Portugal

                Time zone: "Europe/Lisbon", "Portugal"

        *       "ptpdl"

                Name: Azores, Portugal

                Time zone: "Atlantic/Azores"

        *       "pwror"

                Name: Palau

                Time zone: "Pacific/Palau"

        *       "pyasu"

                Name: AsunciĂłn, Paraguay

                Time zone: "America/Asuncion"

        *       "qadoh"

                Name: Qatar

                Time zone: "Asia/Qatar"

        *       "rereu"

                Name: RĂŠunion

                Time zone: "Indian/Reunion"

        *       "robuh"

                Name: Bucharest, Romania

                Time zone: "Europe/Bucharest"

        *       "rsbeg"

                Name: Belgrade, Serbia

                Time zone: "Europe/Belgrade"

        *       "ruasf"

                Name: Astrakhan, Russia

                Time zone: "Europe/Astrakhan"

        *       "rubax"

                Name: Barnaul, Russia

                Time zone: "Asia/Barnaul"

        *       "ruchita"

                Name: Chita Zabaykalsky, Russia

                Time zone: "Asia/Chita"

        *       "rudyr"

                Name: Anadyr, Russia

                Time zone: "Asia/Anadyr"

        *       "rugdx"

                Name: Magadan, Russia

                Time zone: "Asia/Magadan"

        *       "ruikt"

                Name: Irkutsk, Russia

                Time zone: "Asia/Irkutsk"

        *       "rukgd"

                Name: Kaliningrad, Russia

                Time zone: "Europe/Kaliningrad"

        *       "rukhndg"

                Name: Khandyga Tomponsky, Russia

                Time zone: "Asia/Khandyga"

        *       "rukra"

                Name: Krasnoyarsk, Russia

                Time zone: "Asia/Krasnoyarsk"

        *       "rukuf"

                Name: Samara, Russia

                Time zone: "Europe/Samara"

        *       "rukvx"

                Name: Kirov, Russia

                Time zone: "Europe/Kirov"

        *       "rumow"

                Name: Moscow, Russia

                Time zone: "Europe/Moscow", "W-SU"

        *       "runoz"

                Name: Novokuznetsk, Russia

                Time zone: "Asia/Novokuznetsk"

        *       "ruoms"

                Name: Omsk, Russia

                Time zone: "Asia/Omsk"

        *       "ruovb"

                Name: Novosibirsk, Russia

                Time zone: "Asia/Novosibirsk"

        *       "rupkc"

                Name: Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia

                Time zone: "Asia/Kamchatka"

        *       "rurtw"

                Name: Saratov, Russia

                Time zone: "Europe/Saratov"

        *       "rusred"

                Name: Srednekolymsk, Russia

                Time zone: "Asia/Srednekolymsk"

        *       "rutof"

                Name: Tomsk, Russia

                Time zone: "Asia/Tomsk"

        *       "ruuly"

                Name: Ulyanovsk, Russia

                Time zone: "Europe/Ulyanovsk"

        *       "ruunera"

                Name: Ust-Nera Oymyakonsky, Russia

                Time zone: "Asia/Ust-Nera"

        *       "ruuus"

                Name: Sakhalin, Russia

                Time zone: "Asia/Sakhalin"

        *       "ruvog"

                Name: Volgograd, Russia

                Time zone: "Europe/Volgograd"

        *       "ruvvo"

                Name: Vladivostok, Russia

                Time zone: "Asia/Vladivostok"

        *       "ruyek"

                Name: Yekaterinburg, Russia

                Time zone: "Asia/Yekaterinburg"

        *       "ruyks"

                Name: Yakutsk, Russia

                Time zone: "Asia/Yakutsk"

        *       "rwkgl"

                Name: Kigali, Rwanda

                Time zone: "Africa/Kigali"

        *       "saruh"

                Name: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

                Time zone: "Asia/Riyadh"

        *       "sbhir"

                Name: Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands

                Time zone: "Pacific/Guadalcanal"

        *       "scmaw"

                Name: MahĂŠ, Seychelles

                Time zone: "Indian/Mahe"

        *       "sdkrt"

                Name: Khartoum, Sudan

                Time zone: "Africa/Khartoum"

        *       "sesto"

                Name: Stockholm, Sweden

                Time zone: "Europe/Stockholm"

        *       "sgsin"

                Name: Singapore

                Time zone: "Asia/Singapore", "Singapore"

        *       "shshn"

                Name: Saint Helena

                Time zone: "Atlantic/St_Helena"

        *       "silju"

                Name: Ljubljana, Slovenia

                Time zone: "Europe/Ljubljana"

        *       "sjlyr"

                Name: Longyearbyen, Svalbard

                Time zone: "Arctic/Longyearbyen", "Atlantic/Jan_Mayen"

        *       "skbts"

                Name: Bratislava, Slovakia

                Time zone: "Europe/Bratislava"

        *       "slfna"

                Name: Freetown, Sierra Leone

                Time zone: "Africa/Freetown"

        *       "smsai"

                Name: San Marino

                Time zone: "Europe/San_Marino"

        *       "sndkr"

                Name: Dakar, Senegal

                Time zone: "Africa/Dakar"

        *       "somgq"

                Name: Mogadishu, Somalia

                Time zone: "Africa/Mogadishu"

        *       "srpbm"

                Name: Paramaribo, Suriname

                Time zone: "America/Paramaribo"

        *       "ssjub"

                Name: Juba, South Sudan

                Time zone: "Africa/Juba"

        *       "sttms"

                Name: SĂŁo TomĂŠ, SĂŁo TomĂŠ and PrĂ­ncipe

                Time zone: "Africa/Sao_Tome"

        *       "svsal"

                Name: El Salvador

                Time zone: "America/El_Salvador"

        *       "sxphi"

                Name: Sint Maarten

                Time zone: "America/Lower_Princes"

        *       "sydam"

                Name: Damascus, Syria

                Time zone: "Asia/Damascus"

        *       "szqmn"

                Name: Mbabane, Swaziland

                Time zone: "Africa/Mbabane"

        *       "tcgdt"

                Name: Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands

                Time zone: "America/Grand_Turk"

        *       "tdndj"

                Name: N'Djamena, Chad

                Time zone: "Africa/Ndjamena"

        *       "tfpfr"

                Name: Kerguelen Islands, French Southern Territories

                Time zone: "Indian/Kerguelen"

        *       "tglfw"

                Name: LomĂŠ, Togo

                Time zone: "Africa/Lome"

        *       "thbkk"

                Name: Bangkok, Thailand

                Time zone: "Asia/Bangkok"

        *       "tjdyu"

                Name: Dushanbe, Tajikistan

                Time zone: "Asia/Dushanbe"

        *       "tkfko"

                Name: Fakaofo, Tokelau

                Time zone: "Pacific/Fakaofo"

        *       "tldil"

                Name: Dili, East Timor

                Time zone: "Asia/Dili"

        *       "tmasb"

                Name: Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

                Time zone: "Asia/Ashgabat", "Asia/Ashkhabad"

        *       "tntun"

                Name: Tunis, Tunisia

                Time zone: "Africa/Tunis"

        *       "totbu"

                Name: Tongatapu, Tonga

                Time zone: "Pacific/Tongatapu"

        *       "trist"

                Name: Istanbul, TĂźrkiye

                Time zone: "Europe/Istanbul", "Asia/Istanbul", "Turkey"

        *       "ttpos"

                Name: Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

                Time zone: "America/Port_of_Spain"

        *       "tvfun"

                Name: Funafuti, Tuvalu

                Time zone: "Pacific/Funafuti"

        *       "twtpe"

                Name: Taipei, Taiwan

                Time zone: "Asia/Taipei", "ROC"

        *       "tzdar"

                Name: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

                Time zone: "Africa/Dar_es_Salaam"

        *       "uaiev"

                Name: Kyiv, Ukraine

                Time zone: "Europe/Kiev", "Europe/Kyiv",
                "Europe/Zaporozhye", "Europe/Uzhgorod"

        *       "uaozh"

                Zaporizhia (Zaporozhye), Ukraine

                Deprecated. See instead "uaiev"

        *       "uasip"

                Name: Simferopol, Ukraine

                Time zone: "Europe/Simferopol"

        *       "uauzh"

                Uzhhorod (Uzhgorod), Ukraine

                Deprecated. See instead "uaiev"

        *       "ugkla"

                Name: Kampala, Uganda

                Time zone: "Africa/Kampala"

        *       "umawk"

                Name: Wake Island, U.S. Minor Outlying Islands

                Time zone: "Pacific/Wake"

        *       "umjon"

                Johnston Atoll, U.S. Minor Outlying Islands

                Deprecated. See instead "ushnl"

        *       "ummdy"

                Name: Midway Islands, U.S. Minor Outlying Islands

                Time zone: "Pacific/Midway"

        *       "unk"

                Name: Unknown time zone

                Time zone: "Etc/Unknown"

        *       "usadk"

                Name: Adak (Alaska), United States

                Time zone: "America/Adak", "America/Atka", "US/Aleutian"

        *       "usaeg"

                Name: Marengo (Indiana), United States

                Time zone: "America/Indiana/Marengo"

        *       "usanc"

                Name: Anchorage, United States

                Time zone: "America/Anchorage", "US/Alaska"

        *       "usboi"

                Name: Boise (Idaho), United States

                Time zone: "America/Boise"

        *       "uschi"

                Name: Chicago, United States

                Time zone: "America/Chicago", "US/Central"

        *       "usden"

                Name: Denver, United States

                Time zone: "America/Denver", "America/Shiprock", "Navajo",

        *       "usdet"

                Name: Detroit, United States

                Time zone: "America/Detroit", "US/Michigan"

        *       "ushnl"

                Name: Honolulu, United States

                Time zone: "Pacific/Honolulu", "US/Hawaii",

        *       "usind"

                Name: Indianapolis, United States

                Time zone: "America/Indianapolis", "America/Fort_Wayne",
                "America/Indiana/Indianapolis", "US/East-Indiana"

        *       "usinvev"

                Name: Vevay (Indiana), United States

                Time zone: "America/Indiana/Vevay"

        *       "usjnu"

                Name: Juneau (Alaska), United States

                Time zone: "America/Juneau"

        *       "usknx"

                Name: Knox (Indiana), United States

                Time zone: "America/Indiana/Knox", "America/Knox_IN",

        *       "uslax"

                Name: Los Angeles, United States

                Time zone: "America/Los_Angeles", "US/Pacific",

        *       "uslui"

                Name: Louisville (Kentucky), United States

                Time zone: "America/Louisville",

        *       "usmnm"

                Name: Menominee (Michigan), United States

                Time zone: "America/Menominee"

        *       "usmtm"

                Name: Metlakatla (Alaska), United States

                Time zone: "America/Metlakatla"

        *       "usmoc"

                Name: Monticello (Kentucky), United States

                Time zone: "America/Kentucky/Monticello"

        *       "usnavajo"

                Shiprock (Navajo), United States

                Deprecated. See instead "usden"

        *       "usndcnt"

                Name: Center (North Dakota), United States

                Time zone: "America/North_Dakota/Center"

        *       "usndnsl"

                Name: New Salem (North Dakota), United States

                Time zone: "America/North_Dakota/New_Salem"

        *       "usnyc"

                Name: New York, United States

                Time zone: "America/New_York", "US/Eastern"

        *       "usoea"

                Name: Vincennes (Indiana), United States

                Time zone: "America/Indiana/Vincennes"

        *       "usome"

                Name: Nome (Alaska), United States

                Time zone: "America/Nome"

        *       "usphx"

                Name: Phoenix, United States

                Time zone: "America/Phoenix", "US/Arizona"

        *       "ussit"

                Name: Sitka (Alaska), United States

                Time zone: "America/Sitka"

        *       "ustel"

                Name: Tell City (Indiana), United States

                Time zone: "America/Indiana/Tell_City"

        *       "uswlz"

                Name: Winamac (Indiana), United States

                Time zone: "America/Indiana/Winamac"

        *       "uswsq"

                Name: Petersburg (Indiana), United States

                Time zone: "America/Indiana/Petersburg"

        *       "usxul"

                Name: Beulah (North Dakota), United States

                Time zone: "America/North_Dakota/Beulah"

        *       "usyak"

                Name: Yakutat (Alaska), United States

                Time zone: "America/Yakutat"

        *       "utc"

                Name: UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)

                Time zone: "Etc/UTC", "Etc/UCT", "Etc/Universal",
                "Etc/Zulu", "UCT", "UTC", "Universal", "Zulu"

        *       "utce01"

                Name: 1 hour ahead of UTC

                Time zone: "Etc/GMT-1"

        *       "utce02"

                Name: 2 hours ahead of UTC

                Time zone: "Etc/GMT-2"

        *       "utce03"

                Name: 3 hours ahead of UTC

                Time zone: "Etc/GMT-3"

        *       "utce04"

                Name: 4 hours ahead of UTC

                Time zone: "Etc/GMT-4"

        *       "utce05"

                Name: 5 hours ahead of UTC

                Time zone: "Etc/GMT-5"

        *       "utce06"

                Name: 6 hours ahead of UTC

                Time zone: "Etc/GMT-6"

        *       "utce07"

                Name: 7 hours ahead of UTC

                Time zone: "Etc/GMT-7"

        *       "utce08"

                Name: 8 hours ahead of UTC

                Time zone: "Etc/GMT-8"

        *       "utce09"

                Name: 9 hours ahead of UTC

                Time zone: "Etc/GMT-9"

        *       "utce10"

                Name: 10 hours ahead of UTC

                Time zone: "Etc/GMT-10"

        *       "utce11"

                Name: 11 hours ahead of UTC

                Time zone: "Etc/GMT-11"

        *       "utce12"

                Name: 12 hours ahead of UTC

                Time zone: "Etc/GMT-12"

        *       "utce13"

                Name: 13 hours ahead of UTC

                Time zone: "Etc/GMT-13"

        *       "utce14"

                Name: 14 hours ahead of UTC

                Time zone: "Etc/GMT-14"

        *       "utcw01"

                Name: 1 hour behind UTC

                Time zone: "Etc/GMT+1"

        *       "utcw02"

                Name: 2 hours behind UTC

                Time zone: "Etc/GMT+2"

        *       "utcw03"

                Name: 3 hours behind UTC

                Time zone: "Etc/GMT+3"

        *       "utcw04"

                Name: 4 hours behind UTC

                Time zone: "Etc/GMT+4"

        *       "utcw05"

                Name: 5 hours behind UTC

                Time zone: "Etc/GMT+5", "EST"

        *       "utcw06"

                Name: 6 hours behind UTC

                Time zone: "Etc/GMT+6"

        *       "utcw07"

                Name: 7 hours behind UTC

                Time zone: "Etc/GMT+7", "MST"

        *       "utcw08"

                Name: 8 hours behind UTC

                Time zone: "Etc/GMT+8"

        *       "utcw09"

                Name: 9 hours behind UTC

                Time zone: "Etc/GMT+9"

        *       "utcw10"

                Name: 10 hours behind UTC

                Time zone: "Etc/GMT+10", "HST"

        *       "utcw11"

                Name: 11 hours behind UTC

                Time zone: "Etc/GMT+11"

        *       "utcw12"

                Name: 12 hours behind UTC

                Time zone: "Etc/GMT+12"

        *       "uymvd"

                Name: Montevideo, Uruguay

                Time zone: "America/Montevideo"

        *       "uzskd"

                Name: Samarkand, Uzbekistan

                Time zone: "Asia/Samarkand"

        *       "uztas"

                Name: Tashkent, Uzbekistan

                Time zone: "Asia/Tashkent"

        *       "vavat"

                Name: Vatican City

                Time zone: "Europe/Vatican"

        *       "vcsvd"

                Name: Saint Vincent, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

                Time zone: "America/St_Vincent"

        *       "veccs"

                Name: Caracas, Venezuela

                Time zone: "America/Caracas"

        *       "vgtov"

                Name: Tortola, British Virgin Islands

                Time zone: "America/Tortola"

        *       "vistt"

                Name: Saint Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands

                Time zone: "America/St_Thomas", "America/Virgin"

        *       "vnsgn"

                Name: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

                Time zone: "Asia/Saigon", "Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh"

        *       "vuvli"

                Name: Efate, Vanuatu

                Time zone: "Pacific/Efate"

        *       "wfmau"

                Name: Wallis Islands, Wallis and Futuna

                Time zone: "Pacific/Wallis"

        *       "wsapw"

                Name: Apia, Samoa

                Time zone: "Pacific/Apia"

        *       "yeade"

                Name: Aden, Yemen

                Time zone: "Asia/Aden"

        *       "ytmam"

                Name: Mayotte

                Time zone: "Indian/Mayotte"

        *       "zajnb"

                Name: Johannesburg, South Africa

                Time zone: "Africa/Johannesburg"

        *       "zmlun"

                Name: Lusaka, Zambia

                Time zone: "Africa/Lusaka"

        *       "zwhre"

                Name: Harare, Zimbabwe

                Time zone: "Africa/Harare"

        See the standard documentation
        <> for more

    *   "va"

        A Unicode Variant Identifier
        <> defines
        a special variant used for locales.

  Transform extensions
    This is used for transliterations, transcriptions, translations, etc, as
    per RFC6497 <>>

    For example:

    *   "ja-t-it"

        The content is Japanese, transformed from Italian.

    *   "ja-Kana-t-it"

        The content is Japanese Katakana, transformed from Italian.

    *   "und-Latn-t-und-cyrl"

        The content is in the Latin script, transformed from the Cyrillic

    *   "und-Cyrl-t-und-latn-m0-ungegn-2007"

        The content is in Cyrillic, transformed from Latin, according to a
        UNGEGN specification dated 2007.

        The date is of format "YYYYMMDD" all without space, and the month
        and day information should be provided only when necessary for
        clarification, as per the RFC6497, section 2.5(c)

    *   "und-Cyrl-t-und-latn-m0-ungegn"

        Same, but without year.

    The complete list of valid subtags is as follows. They are all two to
    eight alphanumeric characters.

    *   "d0"

        Transform destination: for non-languages/scripts, such as
        fullwidth-halfwidth conversion

        See also "s0"

        Possible values
        7/transform-destination.xml> are:

        *       "accents"

                Map base + punctuation, etc to accented characters

        *       "ascii"

                Map as many characters to the closest ASCII character as

        *       "casefold"

                Apply Unicode case folding

        *       "charname"

                Map each character to its Unicode name

        *       "digit"

                Convert to digit form of accent

        *       "fcc"

                Map string to the FCC format; <>

        *       "fcd"

                Map string to the FCD format; <>

        *       "fwidth"

                Map characters to their fullwidth equivalents

        *       "hex"

                Map characters to a hex equivalents, eg "a" to "\u0061"; for
                hex variants see transform.xml

        *       "hwidth"

                Map characters to their halfwidth equivalents

        *       "lower"

                Apply Unicode full lowercase mapping

        *       "morse"

                Map Unicode to Morse Code encoding

        *       "nfc"

                Map string to the Unicode NFC format

        *       "nfd"

                Map string to the Unicode NFD format

        *       "nfkc"

                Map string to the Unicode NFKC format

        *       "nfkd"

                Map string to the Unicode NFKD format

        *       "npinyin"

                Map pinyin written with tones to the numeric form

        *       "null"

                Make no change in the string

        *       "publish"

                Map to preferred forms for publishing, such as ", ", "—"

        *       "remove"

                Remove every character in the string

        *       "title"

                Apply Unicode full titlecase mapping

        *       "upper"

                Apply Unicode full uppercase mapping

        *       "zawgyi"

                Map Unicode to Zawgyi Myanmar encoding

    *   "h0"

        Hybrid Locale Identifiers: "h0" with the value "hybrid" indicates
        that the "-t-" value is a language that is mixed into the main
        language tag to form a hybrid.

        For example <>:

        *       "hi-t-en-h0-hybrid"

                Hybrid Deva - Hinglish

                Hindi-English hybrid where the script is Devanagari*

        *       "hi-Latn-t-en-h0-hybrid"

                Hybrid Latin - Hinglish

                Hindi-English hybrid where the script is Latin*

        *       "ru-t-en-h0-hybrid"

                Hybrid Cyrillic - Runglish

                Russian with an admixture of American English

        *       "ru-t-en-gb-h0-hybrid"

                Hybrid Cyrillic - Runglish

                Russian with an admixture of British English

        *       "en-t-zh-h0-hybrid"

                Hybrid Latin - Chinglish

                American English with an admixture of Chinese (Simplified
                Mandarin Chinese)

        *       "en-t-zh-hant-h0-hybrid"

                Hybrid Latin - Chinglish

                American English with an admixture of Chinese (Traditional
                Mandarin Chinese)

    *   "i0"

        Input Method Engine transform: used to indicate an input method
        transformation, such as one used by a client-side input method. The
        first subfield in a sequence would typically be a "platform" or
        vendor designation.

        For example: "zh-t-i0-pinyin"

        Possible values
        7/transform_ime.xml> are:

        *       "handwrit"

                Handwriting input: used when the only information known (or
                requested) is that the text was (or is to be) converted
                using an handwriting input.

        *       "pinyin"

                Pinyin input: for simplified Chinese characters. See also

        *       "und"

                The choice of input method is not specified. Used when the
                only information known (or requested) is that the text was
                (or is to be) converted using an input method engine

        *       "wubi"

                Wubi input: for simplified Chinese characters. For
                background information, see

    *   "k0"

        Keyboard transform: used to indicate a keyboard transformation, such
        as one used by a client-side virtual keyboard. The first subfield in
        a sequence would typically be a "platform" designation, representing
        the platform that the keyboard is intended for.

        For example: "en-t-k0-dvorak"

        Possible values
        7/transform_keyboard.xml> are:

        *       "101key"

                101 key layout.

        *       "102key"

                102 key layout.

        *       "600dpi"

                Keyboard for a 600 dpi device.

        *       "768dpi"

                Keyboard for a 768 dpi device.

        *       "android"

                Android keyboard.

        *       "azerty"

                A AZERTY-based keyboard or one that approximates AZERTY in a
                different script.

        *       "chromeos"

                ChromeOS keyboard.

        *       "colemak"

                Colemak keyboard layout. The Colemak keyboard is an
                alternative to the QWERTY and dvorak keyboards.

        *       "dvorak"

                Dvorak keyboard layout. See also

        *       "dvorakl"

                Dvorak left-handed keyboard layout. See also

        *       "dvorakr"

                Dvorak right-handed keyboard layout. See also

        *       "el220"

                Greek 220 keyboard. See also

        *       "el319"

                Greek 319 keyboard. See also

        *       "extended"

                A keyboard that has been enhanced with a large number of
                extra characters.

        *       "googlevk"

                Google virtual keyboard.

        *       "isiri"

                Persian ISIRI keyboard. Based on ISIRI 2901:1994 standard.
                See also

        *       "legacy"

                A keyboard that has been replaced with a newer standard but
                is kept for legacy purposes.

        *       "lt1205"

                Lithuanian standard keyboard, based on the LST 1205:1992
                standard. See also <>.

        *       "lt1582"

                Lithuanian standard keyboard, based on the LST 1582:2000
                standard. See also <>.

        *       "nutaaq"

                Inuktitut Nutaaq keyboard. See also

        *       "osx"

                Mac OSX keyboard.

        *       "patta"

                Thai Pattachote keyboard. This is a less frequently used
                layout in Thai (Kedmanee layout is more popular). See also

        *       "qwerty"

                QWERTY-based keyboard or one that approximates QWERTY in a
                different script.

        *       "qwertz"

                QWERTZ-based keyboard or one that approximates QWERTZ in a
                different script.

        *       "ta99"

                Tamil 99 keyboard. See also

        *       "und"

                The vender for the keyboard is not specified. Used when the
                only information known (or requested) is that the text was
                (or is to be) converted using an keyboard.

        *       "var"

                A keyboard layout with small variations from the default.

        *       "viqr"

                Vietnamese VIQR layout, based on

        *       "windows"

                Windows keyboard.

    *   "m0"

        Transform extension mechanism: to reference an authority or rules
        for a type of transformation.

        For example: "und-Latn-t-ru-m0-ungegn-2007"

        Possible values
        7/transform.xml> are:

        *       "aethiopi"

                Encylopedia Aethiopica Transliteration

        *       "alaloc"

                American Library Association-Library of Congress

        *       "betamets"

                Beta Maṣāḥǝft Transliteration

        *       "bgn"

                US Board on Geographic Names

        *       "buckwalt"

                Buckwalter Arabic transliteration system

        *       "c11"

                for hex transforms, using the C11 syntax: \u0061\U0001F4D6

        *       "css"

                for hex transforms, using the CSS syntax: \61 \01F4D6,
                spacing where necessary

        *       "din"

                Deutsches Institut fĂźr Normung

        *       "es3842"

                Ethiopian Standards Agency ES 3842:2014 Ethiopic-Latin

        *       "ewts"

                Extended Wylie Transliteration Scheme

        *       "gost"

                Euro-Asian Council for Standardization, Metrology and

        *       "gurage"

                Gurage Legacy to Modern Transliteration

        *       "gutgarts"

                Yaros Gutgarts Ethiopic-Cyrillic Transliteration

        *       "iast"

                International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration

        *       "iesjes"

                IES/JES Amharic Transliteration

        *       "iso"

                International Organization for Standardization

        *       "java"

                for hex transforms, using the Java syntax:

        *       "lambdin"

                Thomas Oden Lambdin Ethiopic-Latin Transliteration

        *       "mcst"

                Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism

        *       "mns"

                Mongolian National Standard

        *       "percent"

                for hex transforms, using the percent syntax:

        *       "perl"

                for hex transforms, using the perl syntax: \x{61}\x{1F4D6}

        *       "plain"

                for hex transforms, with no surrounding syntax, spacing
                where necessary: 0061 1F4D6

        *       "prprname"

                transform variant for proper names

        *       "satts"

                Standard Arabic Technical Transliteration System (SATTS)

        *       "sera"

                System for Ethiopic Representation in ASCII

        *       "tekieali"

                Tekie Alibekit Blin-Latin Transliteration

        *       "ungegn"

                United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names

        *       "unicode"

                to hex with the Unicode syntax: U+0061 U+1F4D6, spacing
                where necessary

        *       "xaleget"

                Eritrean Ministry of Education Blin-Latin Transliteration

        *       "xml"

                for hex transforms, using the xml syntax: &#x61;&#x1F4D6;

        *       "xml10"

                for hex transforms, using the xml decimal syntax:

    *   "s0"

        Transform source: for non-languages/scripts, such as
        fullwidth-halfwidth conversion

        See also "d0"

        Possible values
        7/transform-destination.xml> are:

        *       "accents"

                Accented characters to map base + punctuation, etc

        *       "ascii"

                Map from ASCII to the target, perhaps using different

        *       "hex"

                Map characters from hex equivalents, trying all variants, eg
                "U+0061" to "a"; for hex variants see transform.xml

        *       "morse"

                Map Morse Code to Unicode encoding

        *       "npinyin"

                Map the numeric form of pinyin to the tone format

        *       "publish"

                Map publishing characters, such as ", ", "—", to from
                vanilla characters

        *       "zawgyi"

                Map Zawgyi Myanmar encoding to Unicode

    *   "t0"

        Machine Translation: used to indicate content that has been machine
        translated, or a request for a particular type of machine
        translation of content. The first subfield in a sequence would
        typically be a "platform" or vendor designation.

        For example: "ja-t-de-t0-und"

    *   "x0"

        Private Use.

        For example: "ja-t-de-t0-und-x0-medical"

  Collation Options
    Parametric settings
    can be specified in language tags or in rule syntax (in the form
    [keyword value] ). For example, -ks-level2 or [strength 2] will only
    compare strings based on their primary and secondary weights.

    The options description below is taken from the LDML standard, and
    reflect how the algorithm works when implemented by web browser, or
    other runtime environment. This module does not do any of those
    algorithms. The documentation is only here for your benefit and

    See the standard documentation
    <> and the DUCET
    (Default Unicode Collation Element Table)
    _Table> for more information.

    *   "ka" or "colAlternate"

        Sets alternate handling for variable weights.

        Possible values
        72205aa5b6fc3a/common/bcp47/collation.xml#L34> are optional and can

        *       "noignore" or "non-ignorable"

                Default value.

        *       "shifted"

    *   "kb" or "colBackwards"

        Sets collation parameter key for backward collation weight.

        Sets alternate handling for variable weights.

        Possible values
        72205aa5b6fc3a/common/bcp47/collation.xml#L39> are optional and can
        be: "true" or "yes", "false" (default) or "no"

    *   "kc" or "colCaseLevel"

        Sets collation parameter key for case level.

        Specifies a boolean. If "on", a level consisting only of case
        characteristics will be inserted in front of tertiary level, as a
        "Level 2.5". To ignore accents but take case into account, set
        strength to "primary" and case level to "on".

        Possible values
        72205aa5b6fc3a/common/bcp47/collation.xml#L44> are optional and can
        be: "true" or "yes", "false" (default) or "no"

    *   "kf" or "colCaseFirst"

        Sets collation parameter key for ordering by case.

        If set to upper, causes upper case to sort before lower case. If set
        to lower, causes lower case to sort before upper case.

        Possible values
        72205aa5b6fc3a/common/bcp47/collation.xml#L49> are: "upper",
        "lower", "false" (default) or "no"

    *   "kh" or "colHiraganaQuaternary"

        Sets collation parameter key for special Hiragana handling.

        This is deprecated by the LDML standard.

        Specifies a boolean. Controls special treatment of Hiragana code
        points on quaternary level. If turned on, Hiragana codepoints will
        get lower values than all the other non-variable code points in

        Possible values
        72205aa5b6fc3a/common/bcp47/collation.xml#L55> are optional and can
        be: "true" (default) or "yes", "false" or "no"

    *   "kk" or "colNormalization"

        Sets collation parameter key for normalisation.

        Specifies a boolean. If on, then the normal UCA
        <> algorithm is used.

        Possible values
        72205aa5b6fc3a/common/bcp47/collation.xml#L60> are optional and can
        be: "true" (default) or "yes", "false" or "no"

    *   "kn" or "colNumeric"

        Sets collation parameter key for numeric handling.

        Specifies a boolean. If set to on, any sequence of Decimal Digits is
        sorted at a primary level with its numeric value.

        Possible values
        72205aa5b6fc3a/common/bcp47/collation.xml#L65> are optional and can
        be: "true" or "yes", "false" (default) or "no"

    *   "kr" or "colReorder"

        Sets collation reorder codes.

        Specifies a reordering of scripts or other significant blocks of
        characters such as symbols, punctuation, and digits.

        Possible values
        72205aa5b6fc3a/common/bcp47/collation.xml#L70> are: "currency",
        "digit", "punct", "space", "symbol", or any BCP47 script ID.

        Also possible: "others" where all codes not explicitly mentioned
        should be ordered. The script code Zzzz (Unknown Script) is a
        synonym for others.

        For example:

        *       "en-u-kr-latn-digit"

                Reorder digits after Latin characters.

        *       "en-u-kr-arab-cyrl-others-symbol"

                Reorder Arabic characters first, then Cyrillic, and put
                symbols at the end—after all other characters.

        *       "en-u-kr-others"

                Remove any locale-specific reordering, and use DUCET order
                for reordering blocks.

    *   "ks" or "colStrength"

        Sets the collation parameter key for collation strength used for

        Possible values
        72205aa5b6fc3a/common/bcp47/collation.xml#L79> are:

        *       "level1" or "primary"

        *       "level2" or "secondary"

        *       "level3" (default) or "tertiary"

        *       "level4" or "quaternary" or "quarternary"

        *       "identic" or "identical"

    *   "kv"

        Sets the collation parameter key for "maxVariable", the last
        reordering group to be affected by "ka-shifted".

        Possible values are:

        *       "currency"

                Spaces, punctuation and all symbols are affected by

        *       "punct"

                Spaces and punctuation are affected by ka-shifted (CLDR

        *       "space"

                Only spaces are affected by ka-shifted.

        *       "symbol"

                Spaces, punctuation and symbols except for currency symbols
                are affected by ka-shifted (UCA default).

    *   "vt"

        Sets the parameter key for the variable top.

        This is deprecated by the LDML standard.

    Jacques Deguest <>



    Unicode Locale Data Markup Language <>

    BCP47 <>

    RFC6067 on the Unicode extensions

    RFC6497 on the transformation extension

    Copyright(c) 2024 DEGUEST Pte. Ltd.

    All rights reserved

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.