README for File::Find::Rule

=head1 NAME

File::Find::Rule - Alternative interface to File::Find


  use File::Find::Rule;
  # find all the subdirectories of a given directory
  my @subdirs = File::Find::Rule->directory->in( $directory );

  # find all the .pm files in @INC
  my @files = File::Find::Rule->file()
                              ->name( '*.pm' )
                              ->in( @INC );

  # as above, but without method chaining
  my $rule =  File::Find::Rule->new;
  $rule->name( '*.pm' );
  my @files = $rule->in( @INC );


 perl Makefile.PL
 make test

and if all goes well

 make install

=head1 HISTORY

What changed over the last 3 revisions


=item 0.31 Friday 27th November 2009

	Move to Makefile.PL
	use Test::Differences in the testsuite if available.
	Rearrange the testsuite so you don't keep tripping over yourself.
	Dropped 5.00503 backwards compatibility, allows some 5.6isms and
	dropping the shonky Cwd code.
	All taint 'bugs' are now the same as the behaviour of File::Find,
	documentation has been added to describe this.

=item 0.30 Wednesday 1st June, 2006

	Made './//././././///.//././/////./blah' be treated the same 
        as './blah' (it gets turned into 'blah')

=item 0.29 Tuesday 16th May, 2006

	Kludged around {min,max}depth and trailing slashes in path


=head1 AUTHOR

Richard Clamp <> with input gained from this
use.perl discussion:

Additional proofreading and input provided by Kake, Greg McCarroll,
and Andy Lester


Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2009 Richard Clamp.  All Rights Reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<File::Find>, L<Text::Glob>, L<Number::Compare>, find(1)

If you want to know about the procedural interface, see
L<File::Find::Rule::Procedural>, and if you have an idea for a neat
extension L<File::Find::Rule::Extending>