This module provides a Unix-like command `digitdemog'. (And also "strgroup" that is still on developing, which may be integrated into `digitdemog'.) =head1 DESCRIPTION ćłĺŽăăŚăă使ăćš (digitdemog) : 1. ĺčĄăŽä˝ćĄçŽăŤăŠăăŞćĺăçžăăăŽăă解čŞăă 2. -L2 ăŤăăăĺčĄăŽćĄć°ăă¨ăŤăăŠăăŞĺ¤ăçžăăăăäžăĺăĺşăă =head1 SEE ALSO digitdemog --help strgourp --help Copyright (c) 2021 Toshiyuki SHIMONO. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.