NAME Wikibase::Cache - Wikibase cache class. SYNOPSIS use Wikibase::Cache; my $obj = Wikibase::Cache->new(%params); my $backend_ret = $obj->get($type, $key); my $backend_ret = $obj->save($type, $key, $value); METHODS "new" my $obj = Wikibase::Cache->new(%params); Constructor. * "backend" Wikibase::Cache::Backend backend class. Default value is 'Basic' = Wikibase::Cache::Backend::Basic. Returns instance of object. "get" my $backend_ret = $obj->get($type, $key); Get cached value for $type and $key. Example $type is 'label' and $key is Wikidata QID like 'Q42'. Returns something like 'Douglas Adams'. Returns backend return value(s). "save" my $backend_ret = $obj->save($type, $key, $value); Save cached value for $type and $key. Example $type is 'label' and $key is Wikidata QID like 'Q42' (Douglas Adams). Another example $type is 'description' and $key is Wikidata QID like 'Q42' (English science fiction writer and humourist). Returns backend return value(s). ERRORS new(): From Class::Utils::set_params(): Unknown parameter '%s'. Backend must inherit 'Wikibase::Cache::Backend' abstract class. Cannot load module '%s'. Error: %s EXAMPLE1 use strict; use warnings; use Wikibase::Cache; if (@ARGV < 1) { print STDERR "Usage: $0 qid_or_pid\n"; exit 1; } my $qid_or_pid = $ARGV[0]; # Object. my $obj = Wikibase::Cache->new; # Get translated QID. my $translated_qid_or_pid = $obj->get('label', $qid_or_pid) || $qid_or_pid; # Print out. print $translated_qid_or_pid."\n"; # Output for nothing: # Usage: ./ qid_or_pid # Output for 'P31': # instance of # Output for 'Q42': # Q42 EXAMPLE2 use strict; use warnings; use Error::Pure qw(err); use Wikibase::Cache; $Error::Pure::TYPE = 'Error'; # Object. my $obj = Wikibase::Cache->new; # Save label for 'Q42'. $obj->save('label', 'Q42', 'Douglas Adams'); # Get translated QID. my $translated_qid = $obj->get('label', 'Q42'); # Print out. print $translated_qid."\n"; # Output: # #Error [../Wikibase/Cache/Backend/] Wikibase::Cache::Backend::Basic doesn't implement save() method. DEPENDENCIES Class::Utils, English, Error::Pure. SEE ALSO Wikibase::Cache::Backend TODO REPOSITORY <> AUTHOR Michal Josef Ĺ paÄek <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Š 2021-2023 Michal Josef Ĺ paÄek BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.03