# NAME Backblaze::B2V2Client - Client library for the Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage Service V2 API. # SYNOPSIS use Backblaze::B2V2Client; # create an API client object my $b2client = Backblaze::B2V2Client->new( $application_key_id, $application_key ); # please encrypt/protect those keys when not in use! # let's say we have a B2 bucket called 'GingerAnna' and a JPG called 'ginger_was_perfect.jpg'. # upload a file from your file system my $operation_status = $b2client->b2_upload_file( 'bucket_name' => 'GingerAnna', 'file_location' => '/path/to/ginger_was_perfect.jpg' ); # upload a file you have in a scalar my $operation_status = $b2client->b2_upload_file( 'bucket_name' => 'GingerAnna', 'new_file_name' => 'ginger_was_perfect.jpg', 'file_contents' => $file_contents ); # B2 file ID (fGUID) is now in $b2client->{b2_response}{fileId} # Best to load $file_contents via Path::Tiny's slurp_raw() method # download that file to /opt/majestica/tmp my $operation_status = $b2client->b2_download_file_by_name('GingerAnna','ginger_was_perfect.jpg','/opt/majestica/tmp'); # if you would rather download with the 84-character GUID my $operation_status = $b2client->b2_download_file_by_id('X-Bz-File-Id GUID from above','/opt/majestica/tmp'); # you can leave off the directory to just have the file contents into # $b2client->{b2_response}{file_contents} # $operation_status is now 'OK' or 'Error', and is # also stashed in $b2client->{current_status} # check the status of the last operation use Data::Dumper; # hello old friend if ($b2client->{current_status} eq 'OK') { # all is well -- what did we get? print Dumper($b2client->{b2_response}); } elsif ($b2client->{current_status} eq 'Error') { # what info do we have on this disaster? print Dumper($b2client->{errors}[-1]); } # DESCRIPTION / SET UP This module should help you create buckets and store/retrieve files in the Backblaze B2 cloud storage service using V2 of their API. Backblaze makes it easy to sign up for B2 from here: https://www.backblaze.com/b2/sign-up.html Then enable the B2 service as per these instructions: https://www.backblaze.com/b2/docs/quick_account.html Next, visit the 'App Keys' section of the 'My Account' area, and look for the 'Add a New Application Key' button to create an application key. You will need a key with Read and Write access. Be sure to note the Application Key ID as well as the Application Key itself. They do not show you that Application Key again, so copy it immediately. Please store the Application Key pair in a secure way, preferably encrypted when not in use by your software. ## b2\_client Command Line Utility Backblaze::B2V2Client includes the 'b2\_client' command line utility to easily download or upload files from B2. Please execute 'b2\_client help' for more details, and here are a few examples: # download a file to current directory b2_client get MyPictures FamilyPhoto.jpg # download a file to a target directory b2_client get MyPictures FamilyPhoto.jpg /home/ginger/photos # upload a file to B2 b2_client put MyPictures /home/ginger/photos/AnotherFamilyPhoto.jpg There is also an official command line utility from Backblaze that does a whole lot more: https://www.backblaze.com/b2/docs/quick_command_line.html ## BackBlaze B2 also has a S3-compatible API Backblaze has added an S3-compatible API, which you can read about here: https://www.backblaze.com/b2/docs/s3_compatible_api.html They are continuing to support their native B2 API, so I will continue to use and support this module. I have not tested the S3 modules with Backblaze, but if you already have an S3 integration, it is worth checking out how Paws::S3 or Awes::S3 works with Backblaze. ## Testing Your Credentials During install, this module will attempt to connect to B2 and download a 16KB file into memory. To test using your B2 account credentials, set these environmental varables prior to attempting to install: B2_APP_KEY_ID - The application key ID for the key you wish to test. B2_APP_KEY - The application key -- is never displayed in the B2 UI. B2_ACCT_ID - Your account ID; will be the ID of your master key B2_TEST_FILE_ID: The long (75+ char) GUID for your target file. The GUID for a file is displayed when you click on that file's name in the 'Browse Files' section of the B2 UI. # METHODS For all the below, when they return $operation\_status, that will be 'OK' or 'Error'. If you get 'Error,' check out $b2client->{errors}\[-1\] . ## new Creates the B2 client object and initiates an API session with B2. Requires two arguments: the Application Key ID and Application Key obtained from Backblaze. ## b2\_download\_file\_by\_id Retrieves a file plus metadata given the GUID of that file. The first argument is required and will be the file's GUID. If you would like to auto-save the file, provide a path to an existing directory as the second argument. Regardless of auto-save, the file's raw contents will be placed in to $b2client->{b2\_response}{file\_contents} and the following keys will be populated under $b2client->{b2\_response}: Content-Length Content-Type X-Bz-File-Id X-Bz-File-Name X-Bz-Content-Sha1 See https://www.backblaze.com/b2/docs/b2\_download\_file\_by\_id.html ## b2\_download\_file\_by\_name Works like b2\_download\_file\_by\_id() except that it expects the bucket name and file name as arguments. The optional third argument is an existing directory path for auto-saving the file. See https://www.backblaze.com/b2/docs/b2\_download\_file\_by\_name.html ## b2\_upload\_file Uploads a new file into B2. Accepts a hash of arguments. The name of the destination bucket must be provided in 'bucket\_name'. If you would like to upload a file already saved on disk, specify the complete file path in 'file\_location'. Alternatively, if the file is loaded up into a scalar, provide the new file name in 'new\_file\_name' and assign the loaded scalar into 'file\_contents'. Example 1: Uploading from a file on disk: my $operation_status = $b2client->b2_upload_file( 'bucket_name' => 'GingerAnna', 'file_location' => '/opt/majestica/tmp/ginger_was_perfect.jpg', ); Example 2: Uploading when the file is loaded into a scalar: my $operation_status = $b2client->b2_upload_file( 'bucket_name' => 'GingerAnna', 'new_file_name' => 'ginger_was_perfect.jpg', 'file_contents' => $file_contents ); NOTE: If you are going to use the 'file\_contents' method, it's best to load the scalar using the 'slurp\_raw' method in Path::Tiny. (I believe 'read\_file' in File::Slurp will work, but have yet to test.) You can also pass a 'content-type' key with the MIME type for the new file. The default is 'b2/auto'. Upon a successful upload, the new GUID for the file will be available in $b2client->{b2\_response}{fileId} . See: https://www.backblaze.com/b2/docs/b2\_upload\_file.html ## b2\_upload\_large\_file Uploads a large file into B2. Recommended for uploading files larger than 100MB. Accepts a hash of arguments, which must include the name of the destination bucket in 'bucket\_name' and the complete file path of the file in 'file\_location'. Example: my $operation_status = $b2client->b2_upload_large_file( 'bucket_name' => 'GingerAnna', 'file_location' => '/opt/majestica/tmp/gingers_whole_life_story.mp4', ); ## b2\_list\_file\_names Required input is `$bucket_name` as the first parameter (required) and an optional key-value hash of parameters. These parameters can include: - `prefix` Allows one to specify a filename prefix or directory path, useful for buckets with a large number of files or many subdirectories. Default is undefined. - `delimiter` Allows one to specify what is considered the delimiter for the file `path` in the bucket. Default is undefined. - `startFileName` Allows one to select where in the file list to start the results, since the max results for each call is 1000 files. This allows one to define the `start` for emulating pagination of the results. - `maxFileCount` The default is 1000, the ultimate maximum per the specification. The module default may be accessed via the package variable, `$B2_MAX_FILE_COUNT`. Retrieves an array of file information hashes for a given bucket name. That array is added to @{ $b2client->{buckets}{$bucket\_name}{files} } and returned as an array reference to the list of file objects. See https://www.backblaze.com/b2/docs/b2\_list\_file\_names.html , especially the section for 'Response' to see what is included for those file info hashes. Note that B2 limits this response to 1000 entries, so if you have a very large bucket, you can call this method several times and check the value in $b2client->{buckets}{$bucket\_name}{next\_file\_name} after each call. Example 1: Basic call: my $files_ref = $b2client->b2_list_file_names('MyBucketName'); Example 2: Basic call and capturing file list: my $files_ref = $b2client->b2_list_file_names('MyBucketName'); Example 3: Avoid initial API call to get `bucket_id`: # In order to avoid the initial API call to determine the BucketId, which is # actually what B2 wants, one may set this directly if known ahead of time: $b2client->{buckets}{q/MyBucketName/}->{bucket_id} = q{b9d516ba733afb62719c4}; my $files_ref = $b2client->b2_list_file_names('MyBucketName'); Example 4: Using optional parameters to control results (Note: only `$bucket_name` is required): my $bucket_name = q{MyBucketName}; my %args = ( 'prefix' => q{path/to/sub/directory/}, 'delimter' => undef, 'startFileName' => undef, 'maxFileCount' => $b2client::B2_MAX_FILE_COUNT ); # $bucket_id look up hack $b2client->{buckets}{$bucket_name}->{bucket_id} = q{b9d516ba733afb62719c4}; # actual call - parameter order matters my $files_ref = $b2client->b2_list_file_names($bucket_name, %args); ## b2\_get\_file\_info Given a GUID for a file, will retrieve its info hash and load into $b2client->{file\_info}{$file\_id}. See https://www.backblaze.com/b2/docs/b2\_get\_file\_info.html , particularly the section for 'Response' to see what is provided. Example: my $operation_status = $b2client->b2_get_file_info('AN84_CHAR_GUID_FROM_B2'); ## b2\_bucket\_maker Creates a new bucket in your B2 account, given the name for the new bucket. The bucket type will be set to 'allPrivate', Will place the new bucket's ID into: my $operation_status = $b2client->{buckets}{$bucket_name}{bucket_id} See: https://www.backblaze.com/b2/docs/b2\_create\_bucket.html Example: my $operation_status = $b2client->b2_bucket_maker('NewBucketName'); By default the new bucket will be set to use the 'Server-Side Encryption with Backblaze-Managed Keys (SSE-B2)' option described here: https://www.backblaze.com/b2/docs/server\_side\_encryption.html You can send a second param to disable that (not recommended): my $operation_status = $b2client->b2_bucket_maker('UnEncryptedBucketName', 1); Also, if your app key does not have the 'writeBucketEncryption' then encryption will be disabled. ## b2\_delete\_bucket Deletes a bucket from your B2 account, provided that it is empty. Requires the target bucket's name as the argument. See: https://www.backblaze.com/b2/docs/b2\_delete\_bucket.html Example: my $operation_status = $b2client->b2_delete_bucket('DeletingBucketName'); ## b2\_delete\_file\_version Deletes a version of a file, AKA a stored object. If you use unique file names for each file you upload, then one version equals one file. If you upload multiple files with the same name under a single bucket, you will create multiple versions of a particular file in B2. The required arguments are the file name and the file ID. Example: my $operation_status = $b2client->b2_delete_file_version('SomeFileName.ext','AN84_CHAR_GUID_FROM_B2'); ## b2\_talker / b2\_get\_upload\_url / b2\_list\_buckets b2\_talker() handles all the communications with B2. You should be able to use this to make calls not explicitly provided by this library. If b2\_talker() gets a 200 HTTP status from B2, then the call went great, the JSON response will be loaded into $b2client->{b2\_response}, and $b2client->{current\_status} will be set to 'OK'. If a 200 is not received from B2, $b2client->{current\_status} will be set to 'Error' and a hash error details will be added to @{ $b2client->{errors} }. That hash usually includes the called URL, the returned status code, and the error message. Note that the base URL for this API session will be stored under $b2client->{api\_url} so that you build a URL like so: $list\_buckets\_url = $b2client->{api\_url}.'/b2api/v2/b2\_list\_buckets'; Example of a GET API request: my $operation_status = $b2client->b2_talker( 'url' => 'https://SomeB2.API.URL?with=GETparams', 'authorization' => $b2client->{account_authorization_token}, ); Example of a POST API request: my $operation_status = $b2client->b2_talker( 'url' => 'https://SomeB2.API.URL', 'authorization' => $b2client->{account_authorization_token}, 'post_params' => { 'param1_name' => 'param1_value', 'param2_name' => 'param2_value', 'param3_name' => 'param3_value', }, ); Almost all the API calls use the Account Authorization Token for the authorization header, but the file uploader calls require a bucket-specific token and upload URL. You can retrieve these via b2\_get\_upload\_url() with the bucket name as an argument. Example: my $operation_status = $b2client->b2_get_upload_url('MyBucketName'); This populates: my $operation_status = $b2client->{bucket_info}{'MyBucketName'} = { 'upload_url' => $b2client->{b2_response}{uploadUrl}, 'authorization_token' => $b2client->{b2_response}{authorizationToken}, }; Note: You have to call b2\_get\_upload\_url on a bucket for each file upload operation. My b2\_upload\_file method does that for you, so that's just FYI if you roll your own. See: https://www.backblaze.com/b2/docs/b2\_get\_upload\_url.html If you need the ID for one or more buckets, you can use b2\_list\_buckets. If a bucket name is provided, only that bucket's ID will be retrieved. If no argument is provided, all the ID's will be retrieved for all buckets in your account. Example: my $operation_status = $b2client->b2_list_buckets('MyBucketName'); You now have $b2client->{buckets}{'MyBucketName'}{bucket\_id} See: https://www.backblaze.com/b2/docs/b2\_list\_buckets.html # DEPENDENCIES This module requires: Cpanel::JSON::XS Digest::SHA MIME::Base64 Path::Tiny URI::Escape WWW::Mechanize LWP::Protocol::https In order to get this to work properly on Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04, I installed these system packages: build-essential zlib1g-dev libssl-dev cpanminus perl-doc # SEE ALSO B2 API Docs: https://www.backblaze.com/b2/docs/ Backblaze::B2 - V1 API Client for B2 Paws::S3 - If using Backblaze's S3-compatible API. # AUTHOR / BUGS Eric Chernoff <ericschernoff@gmail.com> - Please send me a note with any bugs or suggestions. ESTRABD <estrabd@cpan.org> - Enhanced b2\_list\_file\_names() to fully use options and a great bugfix when using the 'file\_contents' option in the b2\_upload\_file() method. # LICENSE MIT License Copyright (c) 2021 Eric Chernoff Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.