use - Import several modules with a single use statement

        # Use several modules in command line:
        % perl -Muse=CGI,DBI,PPI -e '...'

        # Import several modules at once
        use use qw[ strict warnings methods invoker ];

        # Pass options as array refs
        use use 'strict', 'warnings', 'HTTP::Status' => [':constants'];

        # Pass required versions after module names
        use use '5.12.0', 'HTTP::Status' => '6.00' => [':constants'];

        # ...or in your own module, importing on behalf of its caller:
        package MY::Macro;
        sub import {
            use use;
            local @_ = qw[ Module1 Module2 ];
            goto &use::use;

    This module lets you import several modules at once.

    This is almost the same as modules, except that "caller" is properly set
    up so syntax-altering modules based on Devel::Declare, Filter::Simple or
    Module::Compile work correctly.

    If a Perl version number larger than 5.9.3 appears as the first
    argument, then it's automatically expanded just like a regular "use
    VERSION" statement. For example, "use use '5.12.0'" expands to "use
    strict; use feature ':5.12'".

    Thanks to ingy∾net for refactoring most of this module into the perl5
    module, and making this module a simple subclass of it.

    perl5, modules

    唐鳳 <>

CC0 1.0 Universal
    To the extent possible under law, 唐鳳 has waived all copyright and
    related or neighboring rights to use.

    This work is published from Taiwan.
