

To install this module type the following:

    perl Makefile.PL
    make test
    make install

Or use CPANPLUS to automate the process.

Module documentation:

    Text::MetaMarkup - Simple structured POD/Wiki-ish markup

        use Text::MetaMarkup::HTML;
        print Text::MetaMarkup::HTML->new->parse(file => $filename);

    MetaMarkup was inspired by POD, Wiki and PerlMonks. I created it because
    I wanted a simple format to write documents for my site quickly.

    A document consists of paragraphs. Paragraphs are separated by blank
    lines, which may contain whitespace. A paragraph can be prefixed with
    "tag:", which should correspond to an HTML block level tag like "h1",
    "p" or "pre".

    Paragraphs cannot be nested. Paragraphs that start with "#" are ignored.

    In a paragraph, inline tags are used with curly braces. That is:
    "{i:foo}" is "<i>foo</i>" in HTML.

    Inline tags can be nested.

    Characters can be escaped using a backslash character. Never are escaped
    characters special: "\n" is "n" in the result, not a newline.

    Links are written as "[url|text]". Inline tags can be used in the text

    Do not use Text::MetaMarkup directly. It is intended to be subclassed.
    Most people will just use Text::MetaMarkup::HTML, but you can create
    your own.

    Packages in Text::MetaMarkup::AddOn:: are special. They don't subclass
    Text::MetaMarkup but used by subclasses (using @ISA ("use base")) to
    provide additional tags.

    Text::MetaMarkup::HTML::JuerdNL is used by my own homepage and is
    included in the distribution as an example.

  Provided by Text::MetaMarkup
        Constructor method. Takes a list of key/value pairs which is used to
        fill the hash that gets blessed. These values are currently not
        used, but could be used by the subclasses.

        Takes two arguments. Either "file" and a filename, "fh" and a
        filehandle or "string" and a string. Returns the converted document.

        Takes one argument: a string of paragraphs. Returns the converted

        Takes one argument: a string of text, possibly with inline tags.
        Returns the converted paragraph.

        Takes one argument: The link (without square brackets). Returns the
        converted link.

        Takes one argument: Plain text. Unescapes the text and returns it.

  To be provided by a subclass
        Takes one argument: text. Should return the escaped version of that

        Takes two arguments: tag and text. Should return the converted form.

        Takes two arguments: tag and text. Should return the converted form.

        Takes two arguments: a hashref and text. The hashref contains
        "href", "scheme" and "rest". Should return the converted form.

        If the link provided is "[http://juerd.nl/|Juerd's homepage]", then
        "link" gets in @_: "{ href => 'http://juerd.nl/', scheme => 'http',
        rest => '//juerd.nl/' }, 'Juerd\'s homepage'".

    Special methods
        If paragraph tag "foo" is encountered, "paragraph_foo" is tried
        before "paragraph". If inline tag "foo" is encountered, "inline_foo"
        is tried before "inline". If link scheme "foo" is encountered,
        "link_foo" is tried before "link". If the tag or scheme specific
        method exists, the general one is not called.

        Furthermore, a subclass can implement any of "start_document",
        "end_document", "start_paragraph" and "end_paragraph". Parapgraph
        start/end handlers get the tag as their only argument. The value
        returned by any of these methods is used in the result document.

    A subclass should try to format paragraphs that start with "*" as
    bulleted lists.

    There is no license. This software was released into the public domain.
    Do with it what you want, but on your own risk. The author disclaims any

    Juerd Waalboer <juerd@cpan.org> <http://juerd.nl/>
