Pod::Tree - Tree-based POD parser DESCRIPTION Modules Pod::Tree parses a POD into a static syntax tree. Applications walk the tree to recover the structure and content of the POD. Pod::Tree::HTML walks a Pod::Tree and translates it to HTML. Pod::Tree::Pod walks a Pod::Tree and translates it back to POD. Pod::Tree::Perl* translate the PODs in the Perl distribution to HTML. Executables pod2html translates a POD file to an HTML file. pods2html walks a directory tree, translates all the PODs that it finds into HTML files, and puts the HTML files into a parallel directory tree. perl2html translates the PODs in the Perl distribution to HTML PREREQUISITES Perl 5 File::Find HTML::Stream IO::File IO::String Pod::Escapes Text::Template HOW TO BUILD AND INSTALL perl Makefile.PL make make test make install You may see a message like Warning: prerequisite HTML::Stream 1.49 not found. You can ignore this, provided that you actually have HTML::Stream 1.49 or later installed. TODO See the ToDo and ToDo.Not files. Send suggestions, bugs, etc. to swmcd@world.std.com, or open a ticket at http://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Queue=Pod-Tree ACKNOWLEDGMENTS <crazyinsomniac@yahoo.com> <joenio@cpan.org> Paul Bettinger <paul@n8geil.de> Sean M. Burke <sburke@spinn.net> Brad Choate <brad@bradchoate.com> Havard Eidnes <he@NetBSD.org> Rudi Farkas <rudif@bluemail.ch> Paul Gibeault <pagibeault@micron.com> Jay Hannah <jhannah@omnihotels.com> Martin Hans <mah@oticon.dk> Paul Hawkins <phawkins@datajunction.com> Jost Krieger <Jost.Krieger@ruhr-uni-bochum.de> Marc A. Lehmann <pcg@goof.com> Jonas Liljegren <jonas@jonas.rit.se> Thomas Linden <tom@co.daemon.de> Johan Lindstrom <johanl@bahnhof.se> Terry Luedtke <terry_luedtke@nlm.nih.gov> Rob Napier <rnapier@employees.org> Kate L Pugh <kake@earth.li> Christopher Shalah <trance@drizzle.com> Blair Sutton <bsdz@numeninest.com> Johan Vromans <JVromans@Squirrel.nl> COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 1999-2009 by Steven McDougall. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.