Graph::Timeline - Manipulate and display timelines This is release V1.5 of Graph::Timeline. The class is used to show timelines. Look in the examples directory for a program showing how to use the module and some sample data. The first type of chart is the traditional sort you see in history books showing the lives of famous people against the timeline of world events. The second type lists events down the page, starting with the eariest. This will form a sort of diagonal. Used less for historical data and more for charting processes. You can also generate an imagemap for this image INSTALLATION % perl Makefile.PL % make % make test % sudo make install TEST FAILURES The tests are there to make sure that I have broken nothing when I fiddle with the code and will teach you very little about how to use the code. TO DO * Look at getting 1971/05-1971/09 for sometime between May 1971 and September 1971 accepted for 'start' and 'end' dates for intervals and points. * Documentation BUGS None so far REQUIREMENTS * Developed under 5.6.1 but should work on anything 5+. * Written completely in Perl. XS is not required. * Requires Date::Calc, GD, GD::Text AUTHOR Peter Hickman <> Copyright (c) 2003, Peter Hickman. All rights reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself. CHANGES IN THIS RELEASE V1.0: - First release to CPAN V1.1: - Handles the years in the window correctly - Draws points V1.2: - Minor fix to the POD V1.3: - New DiagonalGD chart type V1.4: - New map method for DiagonalGD allow the user to create an imagemap. V1.5: - Now allowing - as a date seperator