=head1 NAME Audio::Cuefile::Libcue =head1 VERSION Version 2.3.0 =head1 SYNOPSIS Perl interface to the C<libcue> cuesheet reading library =head1 USAGE use Audio::Cuefile::Libcue; my $cuesheet = cue_from_string($string); print Dumper($cuesheet); =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a Perl interface to C<libcue>, a cuesheet parsing library written in C. C<libcue> itself was forked from the C<cuetools> project and further enhanced. The library can read cuesheets in many common formats. The C interface is made available to Perl, but users should not need those. Instead, use the one-shot parsing functions to read a cuesheet into a Perl data structure. =head2 Perl Interface my $cue = cue_from_string($string); # or if you have an open filehandle, $cue = cue_from_file($filehandle); These two functions read a cuefile from a string or open filehandle, parse it using the C functions, and return a hash structure. The filehandle can be closed after this call. An example of the Perl usage is in F<t/perl_interface.t>. Note that the C<tracks> and C<index>, despite being numeric, are stored as string hash keys. Use a numeric sort (C<sort { $a E<lt>=E<gt> $b }>) when iterating through the keys. =head2 C Interface If preferred, the C functions from F<libcue.h> are mapped into Perl functions, with the exception of C<cd_delete()> as it is automatically called when needed. # Open a cuesheet my $cd = cue_parse_string($cue); print "Tracks in CD: " . cd_get_ntrack($cd) . "\n"; $track_1 = cd_get_track( $cd, 1 ); print "Track 1 filename: " . track_get_filename($track_1) . "\n"; # etc Refer to C<libcue> for a list of available functions, or F<t/c_interface.t> for further examples. =head2 Exportable functions # Perl interface cue_from_string($string) cue_from_file($filehandle) // C interface struct Cd* cue_parse_file(FILE* fp) struct Cd* cue_parse_string(const char* string) enum DiscMode cd_get_mode(const struct Cd *cd) const char *cd_get_cdtextfile(const struct Cd *cd) struct Cdtext *cd_get_cdtext(const struct Cd *cd) struct Cdtext *track_get_cdtext(const struct Track *track) const char *cdtext_get(enum Pti pti, const struct Cdtext *cdtext) struct Rem* cd_get_rem(const struct Cd* cd) struct Rem* track_get_rem(const struct Track* track) const char* rem_get(enum RemType cmt, const struct Rem* rem) int cd_get_ntrack(const struct Cd *cd) struct Track *cd_get_track(const struct Cd *cd, int i) const char *track_get_filename(const struct Track *track) long track_get_start(const struct Track *track) long track_get_length(const struct Track *track) enum TrackMode track_get_mode(const struct Track *track) enum TrackSubMode track_get_sub_mode(const struct Track *track) int track_is_set_flag(const struct Track *track, enum TrackFlag flag) long track_get_zero_pre(const struct Track *track) long track_get_zero_post(const struct Track *track) const char *track_get_isrc(const struct Track *track) long track_get_index(const struct Track *track, int i) None of the constants are exportable. =head1 HISTORY =over =item 2.3.0 Original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options -A -C -b 5.6.2 -v 2.3.0 -n Audio::Cuefile::Libcue -x libcue/libcue.h =back =head1 SEE ALSO L<https://github.com/greg-kennedy/p5-Audio-Cuesheet-Libcue> - repository for Audio::Cuesheet::Libcue development L<https://github.com/lipnitsk/libcue> - repository for the C libcue library Other Cuesheet modules: =over =item * L<Audio::Cuefile::Parser>, an older pure Perl cuesheet parser =item * L<Audio::Cuefile::ParserPlus>, a newer Perl module which can also I<write> cuesheets. =item * L<MP3::Tag::Cue>, a cue parser that makes part of L<MP3::Tag>. =back =head1 REFERENCES L<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cue_sheet_(computing)> - Wikipedia article on Cuesheets L<https://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Cue_sheet> - Hydrogen Audio article on Cuesheets, with more detail and examples =head1 AUTHOR Greg Kennedy, E<lt>kennedy.greg@gmail.comE<gt> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2024 by Greg Kennedy This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.36.3 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.