HTML::FromText - mark up text as HTML

         use HTML::FromText;
         print text2html($text, urls => 1, paras => 1, headings => 1);

     The text2html function marks up plain text as HTML.  By
     default it converts HTML metacharacters into the
     corresponding entities.  More sophisticated transformations,
     such as splitting the text into paragraphs or marking up
     bulleted lists, can be carried out by setting the
     appropriate options.

     perl Makefile.PL && make && make test && make install

     1.004  New options 'blockparas' (mark up block quotes as ordinary
            paragraphs) and 'blockcode' (mark up block quotes in
            fixed-width font while preserving line breaks and spaces).

	    Tabs are expanded throughout the text (it was a bug not to
	    do so in earlier versions because alignment could be lost,
	    block quotes not recognised, etc).

            New option 'tables'.

     1.003  Recognize '&' in email addresses, as specified by RFC822.

     1.002  Much improved recognition of e-mail addresses with special
            characters, as specified by RFC822.

            When 'urls' is supplied, the prefix mailto: on email
	    addresses is preserved.

            New option 'pre' wraps text in <PRE>...</PRE>.

            When anchor text is in fixed-width font, the <A> element is
            inside the <TT> element, as required by the HTML DTD.

     1.001  Original CPAN release.

     There are transformations it doesn't do.

     Gareth Rees <>.

     Copyright (c) 1999 Canon Research Centre Europe. All rights
     reserved.  This module is free software; you can
     redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as
     Perl itself.