# NAME Dist::Zilla::Plugin::NextVersion::Semantic - update the next version, semantic-wise # VERSION version 0.2.6 # SYNOPSIS ``` # in dist.ini [NextVersion::Semantic] major = MAJOR, API CHANGE minor = MINOR, ENHANCEMENTS revision = REVISION, BUG FIXES ; must also load a PreviousVersionProvider [PreviousVersion::Changelog] ``` # DESCRIPTION Increases the distribution's version according to the semantic versioning rules (see [http://semver.org/](http://semver.org/)) by inspecting the changelog. More specifically, the plugin performs the following actions: - at build time Reads the changelog using `CPAN::Changes` and filters out of the `{{$NEXT}}` release section any group without item. - before a release Ensures that there is at least one recorded change in the changelog, and increments the version number in consequence. If there are changes given outside of the sections, they are considered to be minor. - after a release Updates the new `{{$NEXT}}` section of the changelog with placeholders for all the change categories. With categories as given in the _SYNOPSIS_, this would look like ``` {{$NEXT}} [MAJOR] [API CHANGE] [MINOR] [ENHANCEMENTS] [REVISION] [BUG FIXES] ``` If a version is given via the environment variable `V`, it will taken as-if as the next version. For this plugin to work, your [Dist::Zilla](https://metacpan.org/pod/Dist::Zilla) configuration must also contain a plugin consuming the [Dist::Zilla::Role::YANICK::PreviousVersionProvider](https://metacpan.org/pod/Dist::Zilla::Role::YANICK::PreviousVersionProvider) role. In the different configuration attributes where change group names are given, the special group name `UNGROUPED` can be given to specify the nameless group. ``` 0.1.3 2013-07-18 - this item will be part of UNGROUPED. [BUG FIXES] - this one won't. ``` # PARAMETERS ## change\_file File name of the changelog. Defaults to `Changes`. ## numify\_version If **true**, the version will be a number using the _x.yyyzzz_ convention instead of _x.y.z_. Defaults to **false**. ## format Specifies the version format to use. Follows the '%d' convention of `sprintf` (see examples below), excepts for one detail: '%3d' won't pad with whitespaces, but will only determine the maximal size of the number. If a version component exceeds its given size, the next version level will be incremented. Examples: ``` %d.%3d.%3d PATCH LEVEL INCREASES: 0.0.998 -> 0.0.999 -> 0.1.0 MINOR LEVEL INCREASES: 0.0.8 -> 0.1.0 -> 0.2.0 MAJOR LEVEL INCREASES: 0.1.8 -> 1.0.0 -> 2.0.0 %d.%02d%02d PATCH LEVEL INCREASES: 0.0098 -> 0.00099 -> 0.0100 MINOR LEVEL INCREASES: 0.0008 -> 0.0100 -> 0.0200 MAJOR LEVEL INCREASES: 0.0108 -> 1.0000 -> 2.0000 %d.%05d MINOR LEVEL INCREASES: 0.99998 -> 0.99999 -> 1.00000 MAJOR LEVEL INCREASES: 0.00108 -> 1.00000 -> 2.00000 ``` Defaults to '%d.%3d.%3d'. ## major Comma-delimited list of categories of changes considered major. Defaults to `API CHANGES`. ## minor Comma-delimited list of categories of changes considered minor. Defaults to `ENHANCEMENTS` and `UNGROUPED`. ## revision Comma-delimited list of categories of changes considered revisions. Defaults to `BUG FIXES, DOCUMENTATION`. # AUTHOR Yanick Champoux <yanick@cpan.org> [](http://coderwall.com/yanick) # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2021, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012 by Yanick Champoux. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.