Time::Moment - Represents a date and time of day with an offset from UTC

        $tm = Time::Moment->new(
            year       => 2012,
            month      => 12,
            day        => 24,
            hour       => 15,
            minute     => 30,
            second     => 45,
            nanosecond => 123456789,
            offset     => 0,
        $tm = Time::Moment->now;
        $tm = Time::Moment->now_utc;
        $tm = Time::Moment->from_epoch($seconds [, $nanosecond]);
        $tm = Time::Moment->from_object($object);
        $tm = Time::Moment->from_string($string);
        $year         = $tm->year;                          # [1, 9999]
        $quarter      = $tm->quarter;                       # [1, 4]
        $month        = $tm->month;                         # [1, 12]
        $week         = $tm->week;                          # [1, 53]
        $day          = $tm->day_of_year;                   # [1, 366]
        $day          = $tm->day_of_quarter;                # [1, 92]
        $day          = $tm->day_of_month;                  # [1, 31]
        $day          = $tm->day_of_week;                   # [1=Monday, 7=Sunday]
        $hour         = $tm->hour;                          # [0, 23]
        $minute       = $tm->minute;                        # [0, 59]
        $second       = $tm->second;                        # [0, 59]
        $millisecond  = $tm->millisecond;                   # [0, 999]
        $microsecond  = $tm->microsecond;                   # [0, 999_999]
        $nanosecond   = $tm->nanosecond;                    # [0, 999_999_999]
        $epoch        = $tm->epoch;
        $offset       = $tm->offset;                        # [-1080, 1080]
        $tm2          = $tm1->with_year($year);
        $tm2          = $tm1->with_month($month);
        $tm2          = $tm1->with_day_of_year($day);
        $tm2          = $tm1->with_day_of_quarter($day);
        $tm2          = $tm1->with_day_of_month($day);
        $tm2          = $tm1->with_hour($hour);
        $tm2          = $tm1->with_minute($minute);
        $tm2          = $tm1->with_second($second);
        $tm2          = $tm1->with_millisecond($millisecond);
        $tm2          = $tm1->with_microsecond($microsecond);
        $tm2          = $tm1->with_nanosecond($nanosecond);
        $tm2          = $tm1->with_offset_same_instant($offset);
        $tm2          = $tm1->with_offset_same_local($offset);
        $tm2          = $tm1->plus_years($years);
        $tm2          = $tm1->plus_months($months);
        $tm2          = $tm1->plus_weeks($weeks);
        $tm2          = $tm1->plus_days($days);
        $tm2          = $tm1->plus_hours($hours);
        $tm2          = $tm1->plus_minutes($minutes);
        $tm2          = $tm1->plus_seconds($seconds);
        $tm2          = $tm1->plus_milliseconds($milliseconds);
        $tm2          = $tm1->plus_microseconds($microseconds);
        $tm2          = $tm1->plus_nanoseconds($nanoseconds);
        $tm2          = $tm1->minus_years($years);
        $tm2          = $tm1->minus_months($months);
        $tm2          = $tm1->minus_weeks($weeks);
        $tm2          = $tm1->minus_days($days);
        $tm2          = $tm1->minus_hours($hours);
        $tm2          = $tm1->minus_minutes($minutes);
        $tm2          = $tm1->minus_seconds($seconds);
        $tm2          = $tm1->minus_milliseconds($milliseconds);
        $tm2          = $tm1->minus_microseconds($microseconds);
        $tm2          = $tm1->minus_nanoseconds($nanoseconds);
        $tm2          = $tm1->at_utc;
        $boolean      = $tm1->is_before($tm2);
        $boolean      = $tm1->is_after($tm2);
        $boolean      = $tm1->is_equal($tm2);
        $integer      = $tm1->compare($tm2);
        $string       = $tm->to_string;
        $string       = $tm->strftime($format);
        $integer      = $tm->length_of_year;                # [365, 366]
        $integer      = $tm->length_of_quarter;             # [90, 92]
        $integer      = $tm->length_of_month;               # [28, 31]
        @values       = $tm->utc_rd_values;
        $seconds      = $tm->utc_rd_as_seconds;
        @values       = $tm->local_rd_values;
        $seconds      = $tm->local_rd_as_seconds;
        $integer      = $tm1 <=> $tm2;
        $boolean      = $tm1 == $tm2;
        $boolean      = $tm1 != $tm2;
        $boolean      = $tm1 <  $tm2;
        $boolean      = $tm1 >  $tm2;
        $boolean      = $tm1 <= $tm2;
        $boolean      = $tm1 >= $tm2;
        $string       = "$tm";

    "Time::Moment" is an immutable object representing a date and time of
    day with an offset from UTC in the ISO 8601 calendar system.

    Time is measured in nanoseconds since "1970-01-01Z". In "Time:Moment"
    leap seconds are ignored. It is assumed that there are exactly
    "86,400,000,000" nanoseconds per day. "Time::Moment" can represent all
    epoch integers from "-62,135,596,800" to "2,534,02,300,799"; this range
    suffices to measure times to nanosecond precision for any instant that
    is within "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" to "9999-12-31T23:59:59Z".

        $tm = Time::Moment->new(
            year       => 2012,
            month      => 12,
            day        => 24,
            hour       => 15,
            minute     => 30,
            second     => 45,
            nanosecond => 123456789,
            offset     => 0,

    Constructs an instance of "Time::Moment" from the given components.


        The year [1, 9999].

        The month of the year [1, 12].

    day The day of the month [1, 31]. The day must be valid for the year and
        month, otherwise an exception is raised.

        The hour of the day [0, 23].

        The minute of the hour [0, 59].

        The second of the minute [0, 59].

        The nanosecond of the second [0, 999_999_999].

        The time zone offset from UTC in minutes [-1080, 1080].

        $tm = Time::Moment->now;

    Constructs an instance of "Time::Moment" that is set to the current date
    and time from the system clock in the system time zone, with the offset
    set to the system's time zone offset from UTC.

        $tm = Time::Moment->now_utc;

    Constructs an instance of "Time::Moment" that is set to the current date
    and time from the system clock in the UTC time zone.

        $tm = Time::Moment->from_epoch($seconds);
        $tm = Time::Moment->from_epoch($seconds, $nanosecond);

    Constructs an instance of "Time::Moment" from the given *seconds* from
    the epoch of 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. The optional parameter *nanosecond*
    specifies the nanosecond of the second [0, 999_999_999].

    Fractional seconds is supported if the constructor is invoked with
    *seconds* only:

        $tm = Time::Moment->from_epoch(0.123456); # 1970-01-01T00:00:00.123456Z

        $tm = Time::Moment->from_object($object);

    Constructs an instance of "Time::Moment" from the given *object*. If the
    given object is an instance of "Time::Moment" it's returned otherwise an
    attempt is made to coerce the given object to an instance of

    "Time::Moment" implements coercion handlers for the following object

            $tm = Time::Moment->from_object( DateTime->now );

        The given "DateTime" object must be within the supported date range
        and must have a time zone or a time zone offset from UTC, coercing
        from the 'floating' time zone is not supported.

            $tm = Time::Moment->from_object( scalar Time::Piece::localtime() );

        The given "Time::Piece" object must be within the supported date

    The coercion scheme is extensible and implemented as documented in

        $tm = Params::Coerce::coerce('Time::Moment', scalar Time::Piece::localtime());
        $tm = Params::Coerce::coerce('Time::Moment', DateTime->now);

    "Time::Moment" also implements a coercion handler from "Time::Moment" to

        $dt = Params::Coerce::coerce('DateTime', Time::Moment->now);

        $tm = Time::Moment->from_string($string);
        $tm = Time::Moment->from_string($string [, lenient => false]);

    Constructs an instance of "Time::Moment" from the given *string*. The
    string must consist of a complete date representation and time of day
    followed by a time zone designator. The second part of the time of day
    may be omitted or have a decimal fraction. The decimal sign can be
    either the comma [,] or the full stop [.]. A decimal fraction must have
    at least one digit and may have a total of nine digits.

    The following are examples of complete date representations and time of
    day representations:

        Basic format:                 Example:
        YYYYMMDDThhmmssZ              20121224T121530Z
        YYYYMMDDThhmmssÂąhhmm          20121224T121530+0100
        YYYYMMDDThhmmssÂąhh            20121224T121530+01
        YYYYMMDDThhmmss.ssZ           20121224T121530.500Z
        YYYYMMDDThhmmss.ssÂąhhmm       20121224T121530.500+0100
        YYYYMMDDThhmmss.ssÂąhh         20121224T121530.500+01
        YYYYMMDDThhmmZ                20121224T1215Z            (reduced accuracy)
        YYYYMMDDThhmmÂąhhmm            20121224T1215+0100        (reduced accuracy)
        YYYYMMDDThhmmÂąhh              20121224T1215+01          (reduced accuracy)
        Extended format:              Example:
        YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ          2012-12-24T12:15:30Z
        YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssÂąhh:mm     2012-12-24T12:15:30+01:00
        YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssÂąhh        2012-12-24T12:15:30+01
        YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ssZ       2012-12-24T12:15:30.500Z
        YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ssÂąhh:mm  2012-12-24T12:15:30.500+01:00
        YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ssÂąhh     2012-12-24T12:15:30.500+01
        YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmZ             2012-12-24T12:15Z         (reduced accuracy)
        YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmÂąhh:mm        2012-12-24T12:15+01:00    (reduced accuracy)
        YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmÂąhh           2012-12-24T12:15+01       (reduced accuracy)

    Where representations using calendar dates are shown, ordinal dates or
    week dates may be substituted. This ISO 8601 profile correspond to a
    subset of ISO 8601:2004 4.3 Date and time of day.

    If the optional boolean parameter *lenient* is true the following
    examples is also accepted where the date is a complete calendar date and
    time of day in extended format:

        YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ssZ          2012-12-24 12:15:30Z
        YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ssz          2012-12-24 12:15:30z
        YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ssÂąhhmm      2012-12-24 12:15:30+0100
        YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ssÂąhh:mm     2012-12-24 12:15:30+01:00
        YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ssÂąhh        2012-12-24 12:15:30+01
        YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.ssZ       2012-12-24 12:15:30.500Z
        YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.ssz       2012-12-24 12:15:30.500z
        YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.ssÂąhhmm   2012-12-24 12:15:30.500+0100
        YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.ssÂąhh:mm  2012-12-24 12:15:30.500+01:00
        YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.ssÂąhh     2012-12-24 12:15:30.500+01
        YYYY-MM-DD hh:mmZ             2012-12-24 12:15Z
        YYYY-MM-DD hh:mmz             2012-12-24 12:15z
        YYYY-MM-DD hh:mmÂąhhmm         2012-12-24 12:15+0100
        YYYY-MM-DD hh:mmÂąhh:mm        2012-12-24 12:15+01:00
        YYYY-MM-DD hh:mmÂąhh           2012-12-24 12:15+01
        YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss Âąhh:mm    2012-12-24 12:15:30 +01:00
        YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss Âąhhmm     2012-12-24 12:15:30 +0100
        YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss Âąhh       2012-12-24 12:15:30 +01
        YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss GMT       2012-12-24 12:15:30 GMT
        YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss GMTÂąhh    2012-12-24 12:15:30 GMT+01
        YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss UTC       2012-12-24 12:15:30 UTC
        YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss UTCÂąhh    2012-12-24 12:15:30 UTC+01
        YYYY-MM-DD Âąhhmm  2012-12-24 12:15:30.500 +0100
        YYYY-MM-DD Âąhh:mm 2012-12-24 12:15:30.500 +01:00
        YYYY-MM-DD Âąhh    2012-12-24 12:15:30.500 +01
        YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm Âąhh:mm       2012-12-24 12:15 +01:00
        YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm Âąhhmm        2012-12-24 12:15 +0100
        YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm Âąhh          2012-12-24 12:15 +01

    The time designator [T] may be in lower case [t] or replaced with a
    single space. A single space is also accepted between the time of day
    and the zone designator if the time designator is replaced with a single
    space. The zone designator may be in basic format even though the
    calendar date and time of day is in extended format. The UTC designator
    [Z] may also be in lower case [z]. The literal string GMT or UTC may be
    used as a UTC designator and may have an offset. Usage of these string
    representations is strongly discouraged as they do not conform to the
    ISO 8601 standard.

        $year = $tm->year;

    Returns the year [1, 9999].

        $quarter = $tm->quarter;

    Returns the quarter of the year [1, 4].

        $month = $tm->month;

    Returns the month of the year [1, 12].

        $week = $tm->week;

    Returns the week of the year [1, 53].

        $day = $tm->day_of_year;

    Returns the day of the year [1, 366].

        $day = $tm->day_of_quarter;

    Returns the day of the quarter [1, 92].

        $day = $tm->day_of_month;

    Returns the day of the month [1, 31].

        $day = $tm->day_of_week;

    Returns the day of the week [1=Monday, 7=Sunday].

        $hour = $tm->hour;

    Returns the hour of the day [0, 23].

        $minute = $tm->minute;

    Returns the minute of the hour [0, 59].

        $second = $tm->second;

    Returns the second of the minute [0, 59].

        $millisecond = $tm->millisecond;

    Returns the millisecond of the second [0, 999].

        $microsecond = $tm->microsecond;

    Returns the microsecond of the second [0, 999_999].

        $nanosecond = $tm->nanosecond;

    Returns the nanosecond of the second [0, 999_999_999].

        $epoch = $tm->epoch;

    Returns the number of integral seconds from the epoch of

        $offset = $tm->offset;

    Returns the time zone offset from UTC in minutes [-1080, 1080].

        $tm2 = $tm1->with_year($year);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given *year* [1, 9999] altered.
    The day of the month of the date is unchanged unless the day does not
    exist in the month. In that case, the day is set to the last day of the

        $tm2 = $tm1->with_month($month);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given *month* of the year [1,
    12] altered. The day of the month of the date is unchanged unless the
    day does not exist in the given month. In that case, the day is set to
    the last day of the given month.

        $tm2 = $tm1->with_day_of_year($day);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given *day* of the year [1,
    366] altered. The day must be valid for the year, otherwise an exception
    is raised.

        $tm2 = $tm1->with_day_of_quarter($day);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given *day* of the quarter [1,
    92] altered. The day must be valid for the year and quarter, otherwise
    an exception is raised.

        $tm2 = $tm1->with_day_of_month($day);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given *day* of the month [1,
    31] altered. The day must be valid for the year and month, otherwise an
    exception is raised.

        $tm2 = $tm1->with_hour($hour);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given *hour* of day [0, 23]

        $tm2 = $tm1->with_minute($minute);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given *minute* of hour [0, 59]

        $tm2 = $tm1->with_second($second);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given *second* of minute [0,
    59] altered.

        $tm2 = $tm1->with_millisecond($millisecond);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given *millisecond* of the
    second [0, 999] altered.

        $tm2 = $tm1->with_microsecond($microsecond);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given *microsecond* of the
    second [0, 999_999] altered.

        $tm2 = $tm1->with_nanosecond($nanosecond);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given *nanosecond* of the
    second [0, 999_999_999] altered.

        $tm2 = $tm1->with_offset_same_instant($offset);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given time zone *offset* from
    UTC in minutes [-1080, 1080] altered. The resulting time is at the same

        $tm1 = Time::Moment->from_string('2012-12-24T15:30:45+01');
        $tm2 = $tm1->with_offset_same_instant(0);
        say $tm2; # 2012-12-24T14:30:45Z

        $tm2 = $tm1->with_offset_same_local($offset);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given time zone *offset* from
    UTC in minutes [-1080, 1080] altered. The resulting time has the same
    local time.

        $tm1 = Time::Moment->from_string('2012-12-24T15:30:45+01');
        $tm2 = $tm1->with_offset_same_local(0);
        say $tm2; # 2012-12-24T15:30:45Z

        $tm2 = $tm1->plus_years($years);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given number of years added.
    The day of the month of the date is unchanged unless the day does not
    exist in the resulting month. In that case, the day is set to the last
    day of the resulting month. For example, 2012-02-29 plus one year
    results in 2013-02-28.

        $tm2 = $tm1->plus_months($months);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given number of months added.
    The day of the month of the date is unchanged unless the day does not
    exist in the resulting month. In that case, the day is set to the last
    day of the resulting month. For example, 2013-01-31 plus one month
    results in 2013-02-28; 2013-02-28 plus one month results in 2013-03-28.

        $tm2 = $tm1->plus_weeks($weeks);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given number of weeks added.

        $tm2 = $tm1->plus_days($days);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given number of days added.

        $tm2 = $tm1->plus_hours($hours);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given number of hours added.

        $tm2 = $tm1->plus_minutes($minutes);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given number of minutes added.

        $tm2 = $tm1->plus_seconds($seconds);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given number of seconds added.

        $tm2 = $tm1->plus_milliseconds($milliseconds);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given number of milliseconds

        $tm2 = $tm1->plus_microseconds($microseconds);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given number of microseconds

        $tm2 = $tm1->plus_nanoseconds($nanoeconds);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given number of nanoseconds

        $tm2 = $tm1->minus_years($years);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given number of years
    subtracted. The day of the month of the date is unchanged unless the day
    does not exist in the resulting month. In that case, the day is set to
    the last day of the resulting month. For example, 2012-02-29 minus one
    year results in 2011-02-28.

        $tm2 = $tm1->minus_months($months);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given number of months
    subtracted. The day of the month of the date is unchanged unless the day
    does not exist in the resulting month. In that case, the day is set to
    the last day of the resulting month. For example, 2013-03-31 minus one
    month results in 2013-02-28; 2013-02-28 minus one month results in

        $tm2 = $tm1->minus_weeks($weeks);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given number of weeks

        $tm2 = $tm1->minus_days($days);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given number of days

        $tm2 = $tm1->minus_hours($hours);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given number of hours

        $tm2 = $tm1->minus_minutes($minutes);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given number of minutes

        $tm2 = $tm1->minus_seconds($seconds);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given number of seconds

        $tm2 = $tm1->minus_milliseconds($milliseconds);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given number of milliseconds

        $tm2 = $tm1->minus_microseconds($microseconds);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given number of microseconds

        $tm2 = $tm1->minus_nanoseconds($nanoseconds);

    Returns a copy of this instance with the given number of nanoseconds

        $tm2 = $tm1->at_utc;

    Returns a copy of this instance with the time zone set to UTC.

        $boolean = $tm->is_before($other);

    Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the instant of this time is
    before the other time.

        $boolean = $tm->is_after($other);

    Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the instant of this time is
    after the other time.

        $boolean = $tm->is_equal($other);

    Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the instant of this time is
    equal the other time.

        $integer = $tm->compare($other);

    Returns an integer indicating whether the instant of this time is
    before, after or equal another time. Returns a value less than zero if
    this time is before the other; zero if this date is equal the other
    time; a value greater than zero if this time is after the other time.

        $string = $tm->to_string;
        $string = $tm->to_string([reduced => false]);

    Returns a string representation of the instance. If the optional boolean
    parameter *reduced* is true a shorter representation is attempted.

    The string will be in one of the following representations:

        YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm                (only if reduced => true)

    Followed by a zone designator in one of the following representations:

        Âąhh                             (only if reduced => true)

    The shortest representation will be used where the omitted parts are
    implied to be zero.

        $string = $tm->strftime($format);

    Formats time according to the conversion specifications in the given
    $format string. The format string consists of zero or more conversion
    specifications and ordinary characters. All ordinary characters are
    copied directly into the resulting string. A conversion specification
    consists of a percent sign "%" and one other character.

    The following conversion specifications are supported:

    %a  Replaced by the C locale's abbreviated day of the week name.
        Example: Mon, Tue, ..., Sun.

    %A  Replaced by the C locale's full day of the week name. Example:
        Monday, Tuesday, ..., Sunday.

    %b  Replaced by the C locale's abbreviated month name. Example: Jan,
        Feb, ..., Dec.

    %B  Replaced by the C locale's full month name. Example: January,
        February, ..., December.

    %c  Replaced by the C locale's date and time representation. Equivalent
        to "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y".

    %C  Replaced by the year divided by 100 and truncated to an integer, as
        a decimal number [00, 99].

    %d  Replaced by the day of the month as a decimal number [01, 31].

    %D  Equivalent to "%m/%d/%y".

    %e  Replaced by the day of the month as a decimal number [1, 31]; a
        single digit is preceded by a space.

    %f  Replaced by the fractional second including the preceding decimal
        point or by an empty string if no fractional seconds are present.
        This conversion specification permits use of an optional maximum
        field width [0, 9] where the default field width of 0 will use the
        shortest of the following representations:

            .fff        (millisecond)
            .ffffff     (microsecond)
            .fffffffff  (nanosecond)


            $tm = Time::Moment->from_string('2012-12-24T15:30:45.123456Z');
            $tm->strftime('%f');    # '.123456'
            $tm->strftime('%4f');   # '.1234'
            $tm = Time::Moment->from_string('2012-12-24T15:30:45Z');
            $tm->strftime('%f');    # ''
            $tm->strftime('%4f');   # ''

        %4f is replaced by decimal point and exactly four fractional digits
        (zero-padded on the right or truncated if needed) if fractional
        seconds are present.

        *This conversion specification is an extension to the "IEEE Std

    %F  Equivalent to "%Y-%m-%d".

    %g  Replaced by the last 2 digits of the year of the week as a decimal
        number [00, 99].

    %G  Replaced by the week-based year as a decimal number [0001, 9999].

    %h  Equivalent to %b.

    %H  Replaced by the hour of day (24-hour clock) as a decimal number [00,

    %I  Replaced by the hour of day (12-hour clock) as a decimal number [01,

    %j  Replaced by the day of the year as a decimal number [001, 366].

    %k  Replaced by the hour of day (24-hour clock) as a decimal number [1,
        23]; a single digit is preceded by a space.

        *This conversion specification is an extension to the "IEEE Std

    %l  Replaced by the hour of day (12-hour clock) as a decimal number [1,
        12]; a single digit is preceded by a space.

        *This conversion specification is an extension to the "IEEE Std

    %m  Replaced by the month of the year as a decimal number [01, 12].

    %M  Replaced by the minute of hour as a decimal number [00, 59].

    %n  Replaced by a <newline> character.

    %N  Replaced by the fractional second as a decimal number. This
        conversion specification permits use of an optional maximum field
        width [0, 9] where the default field width of 0 will use the
        shortest of the following representations:

            fff        (millisecond)
            ffffff     (microsecond)
            fffffffff  (nanosecond)


            $tm = Time::Moment->from_string('2012-12-24T15:30:45.123456Z');
            $tm->strftime('%N');    # '123456'
            $tm->strftime('%4N');   # '1234'

        %4N is replaced by exactly four fractional digits (zero-padded on
        the right or truncated if needed).

        *This conversion specification is an extension to the "IEEE Std

    %p  Replaced by the C locale's meridian notation. Example: AM, PM.

    %r  Replaced by the C locale's time in a.m. and p.m. notation.
        Equivalent to "%I:%M:%S %p".

    %R  Replaced by the time in 24-hour notation. Equivalent to "%H:%M".

    %s  Replaced by the number of seconds from the epoch of
        1970-01-01T00:00:00Z as a decimal number.

        *This conversion specification is an extension to the "IEEE Std

    %S  Replaced by the second of hour as a decimal number [00, 60].

    %t  Replaced by a <tab> character.

    %T  Replaced by the time of day. Equivalent to "%H:%M:%S".

    %u  Replaced by the day of the week as a decimal number [1, 7], with 1
        representing Monday.

    %U  Replaced by the week number of the year as a decimal number [00,
        53]. The first Sunday of January is the first day of week 1; days in
        the new year before this are in week 0.

    %V  Replaced by the week number of the year (Monday as the first day of
        the week) as a decimal number [01, 53]. If the week containing 1
        January has four or more days in the new year, then it is considered
        week 1. Otherwise, it is the last week of the previous year, and the
        next week is week 1. Both January 4th and the first Thursday of
        January are always in week 1.

    %W  Replaced by the week number of the year as a decimal number [00,
        53]. The first Monday of January is the first day of week 1; days in
        the new year before this are in week 0.

    %x  Replaced by the C locale's date representation. Equivalent to

    %X  Replaced by the C locale's time representation. Equivalent to

    %y  Replaced by the last two digits of the year as a decimal number [00,

    %Y  Replaced by the year as a decimal number [0001, 9999].

    %z  Replaced by the offset from UTC in the ISO 8601 basic format

    %Z  Replaced by the offset from UTC in the ISO 8601 extended format or
        by UTC designator (Âąhh:mm or Z).

        Replaced by %.

        $integer = $tm->length_of_year;

    Returns the length of the year in days [365, 366].

        $integer = $tm->length_of_quarter;

    Returns the length of the quarter of the year in days [90, 92].

        $integer = $tm->length_of_month;

    Returns the length of the month of the year in days [28, 31].

        ($rd, $sod, $nanosecond) = $tm->utc_rd_values;

    Returns a list of three elements:

    $rd The number of days from the Rata Die epoch of 0001-01-01.

        The second of the day [0, 86_399].

        The nanosecond of the second [0, 999_999_999].

        $seconds = $tm->utc_rd_as_seconds;

    Returns the number of seconds from the Rata Die epoch of

        ($rd, $sod, $nanosecond) = $tm->local_rd_values;

    Returns a list of three elements:

    $rd The number of days from the Rata Die epoch of 0001-01-01.

        The second of the day [0, 86_399].

        The nanosecond of the second [0, 999_999_999].

        $seconds = $tm->local_rd_as_seconds;

    Returns the number of seconds from the Rata Die epoch of

        $string = "$tm";

    The $string will be in one of the following representations:


    Followed by a zone designator in one of the following representations:


    The shortest representation will be used where the omitted parts are
    implied to be zero. This representation is conformant with ISO 8601
    profiles, such as:

    *   RFC 3339 Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps

    *   RFC 4287 The Atom Syndication Format

    *   W3C Date and Time Formats <>

    *   HTML5

    *   XML Schema <>

    The "to_string" method or the "strftime" format string
    "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%f%Z" produces an equivalent string representation:

        "$tm" eq $tm->to_string;
        "$tm" eq $tm->strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%f%Z");

    The total length of the string representation will be between 20 and 35
    characters (inclusive).

        $integer      = $tm1 <=> $tm2;
        $boolean      = $tm1 == $tm2;
        $boolean      = $tm1 != $tm2;
        $boolean      = $tm1 <  $tm2;
        $boolean      = $tm1 >  $tm2;
        $boolean      = $tm1 <= $tm2;
        $boolean      = $tm1 >= $tm2;

    The serialized representation of a "Time::Moment" is a string of 16
    bytes that contains MAGIC (2 bytes), time zone offset from UTC (2
    bytes), the number of days from Rata Die (4 bytes), second of the day (4
    bytes) and nanosecond of the second (4 bytes).

    The total size of the serialized "Time::Moment" instance using "nfreeze"
    is 34 bytes.

    "Time::Moment" implements a "TO_JSON" method that returns the
    stringified representation of the instance.

    "Time::Moment" implements a "TO_CBOR" method that returns the
    stringified representation of the instance using tag 0 (*standard
    date/time string*).

    See CBOR::XS, RFC 7049 Section 2.4.1
    <> and "eg/" for
    an example how to roundtrip instances of "Time::Moment".

    Sereal version 2.030 or later implements support for the generic
    serialization protocol "FREEZE/THAW".

    "Time::Moment" implements a "FREEZE" method that returns the stringified
    representation of the instance and a "THAW" method according to the
    serialization protocol specified in Types::Serialiser.

  ISO 8601 - Data elements and interchange formats
    Calendar date - 24 December 2012

        Basic format:               Example:
        %Y%m%d                      20121224
        %y%m                        201212      (reduced accuracy)

        Extended format:            Example:
        %Y-%m-%d                    2012-12-24
        %Y-%m                       2012-12     (reduced accuracy)

    Ordinal date - 24 December 2012

        Basic format:               Example:
        %Y%j                        2012359
        Extended format:            Example:
        %Y-%j                       2012-359

    Week date - Monday, 24 December 2012

        Basic format:               Example:
        %GW%V%u                     2012W521
        %GW%V                       2012W52     (reduced accuracy)

        Extended format:            Example:
        %G-W%V-%u                   2012-W52-1
        %G-W%V                      2012-W52    (reduced accuracy)

   Time of day
    Local time - 30 minutes and 45 seconds past 15 hours

        Basic format:               Example:
        %H%M%S                      153045
        %H%M                        1530        (reduced accuracy)

        Extended format:            Example:
        %H:%M:%S                    15:30:45
        %H:%M                       15:30       (reduced accuracy)

    Local time with decimal fractions - 30 minutes and 45 and a half second
    past 15 hours

        Basic format:               Example:
        %H%M%S%f                    153045.500
        %H%M%S.%1N                  153045.5

        Extended format:            Example:
        %H:%M:%S%f                  15:30:45.500
        %H:%M:%S.%1N                15:30:45.5

    Local time and the difference from UTC - 30 minutes and 45 seconds past
    15 hours, one hour ahead of UTC

        Basic format:               Example:
        %H%M%S%z                    153045+0100

        Extended format:            Example:
        %H:%M:%S%Z                  15:30:45+01:00

   Date and time of day
    Combinations of calendar date and time of day

        Basic format:               Example:
        %Y%m%dT%H%M%S%z             20121224T153045+0100
        %Y%m%dT%H%M%S%f%z           20121224T153045.500+0100
        %Y%m%dT%H%M%z               20121224T1530+0100      (reduced accuracy)

        Extended format:            Example:
        %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z         2012-12-24T15:30:45+01:00
        %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%f%Z       2012-12-24T15:30:45.500+01:00
        %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M%Z            2012-12-24T15:30+01:00  (reduced accuracy)

    Combinations of ordinal date and time of day

        Basic format:               Example:
        %Y%jT%H%M%S%z               2012359T153045+0100
        %Y%jT%H%M%S%f%z             2012359T153045.500+0100
        %Y%jT%H%M%z                 2012359T1530+0100       (reduced accuracy)

        Extended format:            Example:
        %Y-%jT%H:%M:%S%Z            2012-359T15:30:45+01:00
        %Y-%jT%H:%M:%S%f%Z          2012-359T15:30:45.500+01:00
        %Y-%jT%H:%M%Z               2012-359T15:30+01:00    (reduced accuracy)

    Combinations of week date and time of day

        Basic format:               Example:
        %GW%V%uT%H%M%S%z            2012W521T153045+0100
        %GW%V%uT%H%M%S%f%z          2012W521T153045.500+0100
        %GW%V%uT%H%M%f%z            2012W521T1530+0100      (reduced accuracy)

        Extended format:            Example:
        %G-W%V-%uT%H:%M:%S%Z        2012-W52-1T15:30:45+01:00
        %G-W%V-%uT%H:%M:%S%f%Z      2012-W52-1T15:30:45.500+01:00
        %G-W%V-%uT%H:%M%Z           2012-W52-1T15:30+01:00  (reduced accuracy)

  ISO 9075 - Information technology - Database languages - SQL
    Literal values from Part 2: Foundation (SQL/Foundation)

        Date:                       Example:
        %Y-%m-%d                    2012-12-24
        Time:                       Example:
        %H:%M:%S                    15:30:45
        %H:%M:%S%f                  15:30:45.500
        Timestamp:                  Example:
        %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S           2012-12-24 15:30:45
        %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %:z       2012-12-24 15:30:45 +01:00
        %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%f         2012-12-24 15:30:45.500
        %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%f %:z     2012-12-24 15:30:45.500 +01:00

  RFC 1123 - Requirements for Internet Hosts
    RFC 822 <> as updated by RFC
    1123 <>.

        Format:                     Example:
        %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z    Mon, 24 Dec 2012 15:30:45 +0100

  RFC 2616 - HTTP/1.1
    RFC 2616 - 3.3.1 Full Date

        Format:                     Example:
        %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT   Mon, 24 Dec 2012 14:30:45 GMT

    An HTTP date value represents time as an instance of UTC:

        $string = $tm->at_utc->strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT");

  RFC 5322 - Internet Message Format
    RFC 5322 - 3.3. Date and Time Specification

        Format:                     Example:
        %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z    Mon, 24 Dec 2012 15:30:45 +0100
        %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M %z       Mon, 24 Dec 2012 15:30 +0100
        %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z        24 Dec 2012 15:30:45 +0100
        %d %b %Y %H:%M %z           24 Dec 2012 15:30 +0100

    An instance of "Time::Moment" represents an unambiguous point in time,
    but it's not fully time zone aware. When performing arithmetic on the
    local date or time value or altering the components of the local date or
    time it may be necessary to use a time zone to convert to the correct

    "Time::Moment" is API compatible with DateTime::TimeZone and

  Converting from UTC to designated time zone
        $tm     = Time::Moment->now;
        $zone   = DateTime::TimeZone->new(name => 'America/New_York');
        $offset = int($zone->offset_for_datetime($tm) / 60);
        say $tm->with_offset_same_instant($offset);

  Converting from local time to designated time zone
        $tm     = Time::Moment->now;
        $zone   = DateTime::TimeZone->new(name => 'America/New_York');
        $offset = int($zone->offset_for_local_datetime($tm) / 60);
        say $tm->with_offset_same_local($offset);

  The Effect of Daylight Saving Time
    The time zone *Europe/Brussels* has 01:00 UTC as standard time, and
    02:00 UTC as daylight savings time, with transition dates according to
    the European Summer Time

        $zone = DateTime::TimeZone->new(name => 'Europe/Brussels');
        sub convert_from_utc {
            my ($tm, $zone) = @_;
            my $offset = int($zone->offset_for_datetime($tm) / 60);
            return $tm->with_offset_same_instant($offset);
        sub convert_from_local {
            my ($tm, $zone) = @_;
            my $offset = int($zone->offset_for_local_datetime($tm) / 60);
            return $tm->with_offset_same_local($offset);

    European Summer Time begins (clocks go forward) at 01:00 UTC on the last
    Sunday in March, in 2014 the transition date is March 30.

        $tm1 = Time::Moment->from_string('2014-03-29T12:00:00+01:00');
        $tm2 = $tm1->plus_hours(24);
        say convert_from_utc($tm2, $zone);   # 2014-03-30T13:00:00+02:00
        say convert_from_local($tm2, $zone); # 2014-03-30T12:00:00+02:00

    During the transition from standard time to daylight savings time, the
    local time interval between 02:00:00 and 02:59:59 does not exist. Local
    time values in that interval are invalid. "DateTime::TimeZone" raises an
    exception when attempting to convert non-existing local time.

        $tm1 = Time::Moment->from_string('2014-03-29T22:00:00+01:00');
        $tm2 = $tm1->plus_hours(4);
        say convert_from_utc($tm2, $zone);   # 2014-03-30T03:00:00+02:00
        say convert_from_local($tm2, $zone); # raises an exception

    European Summer Time ends (clocks go backward) at 01:00 UTC on the last
    Sunday in October, in 2014 the transition date is October 26.

        $tm1 = Time::Moment->from_string('2014-10-25T12:00:00+02:00');
        $tm2 = $tm1->plus_hours(24);
        say convert_from_utc($tm2, $zone);   # 2014-10-26T11:00:00+01:00
        say convert_from_local($tm2, $zone); # 2014-10-26T12:00:00+01:00

    During the transition from daylight savings time to standard time, the
    local time interval between 02:00:00 and 02:59:59 is repeated. Local
    time values in that interval are ambiguous because they occur twice.
    When "DateTime::TimeZone" converts an ambiguous local time it returns
    the numerically lowest offset (usually the standard one).

        $tm1 = Time::Moment->from_string('2014-10-25T22:00:00+02:00');
        $tm2 = $tm1->plus_hours(4);
        say convert_from_utc($tm2, $zone);   # 2014-10-26T02:00:00+02:00
        say convert_from_local($tm2, $zone); # 2014-10-26T02:00:00+01:00

    (F) Usage: %s
        Method called with wrong number of arguments.

    (F) Parameter 'seconds' is out of range
        Seconds since the epoch of 1970-01-01T:00:00:00Z (0) is out of the

            [ -62135596800 (0001-01-01T00:00:00Z),
              253402300799 (9999-12-31T23:59:59Z) ]

    (F) Parameter '%s' is out of the range [%d, %d]
    (F) Parameter '%s' is out of range
    (F) Cannot coerce object of type %s to Time::Moment
    (F) Cannot parse the given string
    (F) %s is not an instance of Time::Moment
    (F) A %s object can only be compared to another %s object ('%s', '%s')

    "Time::Moment" is thread safe.



  Bugs / Feature Requests
    Please report any bugs or feature requests through the issue tracker at
    <>. You will be notified
    automatically of any progress on your issue.

    This is open source software. The code repository is available for
    public review and contribution under the terms of the license.


        git clone

    Christian Hansen ""

    Copyright 2013 by Christian Hansen.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.