NAME XML::APML - APML parser/builder SYNOPSIS # parse APML use XML::APML; use Perl6::Say; use DateTime; use DateTime::Format::W3CDTF; my $path = "/path/to/apml.xml"; my $apml = XML::APML->parse_file($path); my $fh = IO::File->open($path); my $apml = XML::APML->parse_fh($fh); my $str = "<APML version='0.6'>...</APML>"; my $apml = XML::APML->parse_string($str); foreach my $profile ($apml->profiles) { my $implicit = $profile->implicit_data; foreach my $concept ($implicit->concepts) { say $concept->key; say $concept->value; say $concept->from; say DateTime::Format::W3CDTF->new->parse_datetime($concept->updated); } foreach my $source ($implicit->sources) { say $source->key; say $source->value; say $source->name; say $source->type; foreach my $author ($source->authors) { say $author->key; say $author->value; say $author->from; say DateTime::Format::W3CDTF->new->parse_datetime($author->updated); } } my $explicit = $profile->explicit_data; # my $explicit = $profile->explicit; foreach my $concept ($explicit->concepts) { my $key = $concept->key; my $value = $concept->value; } foreach my $source ($explicit->sources) { $source->key; $source->value; $source->name; $source->type; foreach my $author ($source->authors) { $author->key; $author->value; } } } foreach my $application ($apml->applications) { $application->name; $application->elem; } # build apml my $apml = XML::APML->new; $apml->title('My Attention Profile'); $apml->generator('My Application'); $apml->user_email(''); $apml->date_created( DateTime::Format::W3CDTF->new->format_datetime( DateTime->now ) ); $apml->defaultprofile("Home"); # or you can set them at once my $apml = XML::APML->new( title => 'My Attention Profile', generator => 'My Application', user_email => '', date_created => DateTime::Format::W3CDTF->new->format_datetime( DateTime->now ), defaultprofile => 'Home', ); my $profile = XML::APML::Profile->new; $profile->name("Home"); $profile->explicit->add_concept( XML::APML::Concept->new( key => 'music', value => 0.5, ) ); $profile->explicit->add_concept( XML::APML::Concept->new( key => 'sports', value => 0.9, ) ); $profile->explicit->add_source( XML::APML::Source->new( key => '', value => 0.4, name => 'Techchunch', type => 'application/rss+xml', ) ); $profile->implicit->add_concept( XML::APML::Concept->new( key => 'business', value => 0.93, from => '', updated => '2007-03-11T01:55:00Z', ) ); $profile->implicit->add_source( XML::APML::Source->new( key => '', value => 1.00, from => '', updated => '2007-03-11T01:55:00Z', name => '', type => 'application/rss+xml', ) ); my $source = XML::APML::Source->new( key => '', value => 0.4, name => 'Techchunch', type => 'application/rss+xml', ); $source->add_author( XML::APML::Author->new( key => 'Sample', value => 0.5, from => '', updated => '2007-03-11T01:55:00Z', ) ); $profile->implicit->add_source($source); $apml->add_profile($profile); my $application = XML::APML::Application->new; $application->name("MyApplication"); $apml->add_application($application); print $apml->as_xml; DESCRIPTION APML (Attention Profiling Mark-up Language) Parser / Builder This module allows you to parse or build XML strings according to APML specification. Now this supports version 0.6 of APML. See METHODS new parse_string parse_file parse_fh add_profile profiles add_application applications as_xml Build XML from object and returns it as string. my $apml = XML::APML->new; $apml->title(...); $apml->user_email(...); ... $apml->as_xml; AUTHOR Lyo Kato, `lyo.kato at' LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.