libreoffice-langpack-pa-1:$>Ol/!0A+R9>>Bp?B`d", 0 V &d& & & &  &  & &v&4X&,L(8(g9g:'gG:H&H:&I;x&X;Y;\;&]d?e?f?l?t?&u@|&vAAAAB BBBB\Clibreoffice-langpack-pa6.2.6.21.fc30Punjabi language pack for LibreOfficeProvides additional Punjabi translations and resources for LibreOffice.]O!Fedora ProjectFedora Project(MPLv1.1 or LGPLv3+) and LGPLv3 and LGPLv2+ and BSD and (MPLv1.1 or GPLv2 or LGPLv2 or Netscape) and Public Domain and ASL 2.0 and MPLv2.0 and CC0Fedora ProjectUnspecified 0S3kCc9In$yR%4D'+# ceh]I\]^1_AXXo| ށA큤]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]OM]O]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-    font(:lang=pa)hunspell-pahyphen-palibreoffice-core(aarch-64)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)1:]N]-@]@]@\\\\@\@\\8\\@\@\}\\N\e\|\+@\@\\zp@\s\n\n\\\T4\R@\LK\J@\3?@\l@[@[@[[%@[[G[[[[ug@[r@[`O@[Y[Q[O+[M@[M@[M@[H@[D[,[(@[{@[{@[ @[ZZZK@ZZ@Z@Z؄ZZ̧@Z@Z@Z@ZZZZ@Z$Z}@Zz@ZyZvZqZp^@ZX@ZTZ;@Z:PZ2gZ%8ZZ[@ZfZZYYYp@YY˒Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Caolán McNamara - 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Resolves: rhbz#1662616 crash in macro dialog editor - Resolves: rhbz#1662512 a11y freeze in calc- Resolves: rhbz#1639174 desire to block en-help install- Resolves: rhbz#1651469 improve obsoletes- -kf5 subpackage: include support for --enable-gtk3-kde5 (#1647233) - -kde4: adjust summary/description s/KDE/KDE4/- Rebuild for hunspell 1.7.0- drop gtk2 support and obsolete it- drop rhel 7 conditionals- Related: rhbz#1644128 gtk tooltip problems- latest version - rhbz#1637848 keep Supplements but not Recommends- latest version- rebuild for liborcus 0.14.0- 6.1.X series- latest version- Rebuild with fixed binutils- Related: rhbz#1602589 fix/silence more covscan warnings- implement export of underline in outlined font for simple case- Resolves: rhbz#1602589 fix covscan issues- Upgrade to ICU 61.1 - Upgrade to ICU 62.1- Resolves: rhbz#1601882 fails to build with --nocheck- latest 6.0 release- Rebuilt for Rebuild for ICU 62- latest 6.0 release - fix for ICU 61 - fix for Python 3.7- Rebuilt for Python 3.7- Resolves: rhbz#1581028 endless font widget update- use weak deps for fedora only- Resolves: rhbz#1582324 crash after merging writer table cells- latest 6.0 release- Fix a potential crash when using the dconf configuration backend- tdf#117413 char doubling in calc under X- rhbz#1575000 CVE-2018-10583 allow embedded links to smb resources to be blocked- rhbz#1573845 won't start without at least Langpack-en-US.xcd- Rebuild for ICU 61.1- Resolves: tdf#116951 rhbz#1569331 start is G_MAXINT- Resolves: rhbz#1568579 LibreOffice --headless zombie process - Related: rhbz#1569331 end should be in terms of unicode chars, not bytes- Related: rhbz#1396729 use cairo_surface_create_similar- finally drop bundled xmlsec1- latest version- Related: rhbz#1066844 drop libreofficekit requires- Rebuild for poppler-0.63.0- update to 6.0.3 rc1- Resolves: rhbz#1392145 ensure titlebar close button matches 'outside' direction- lib dir missing from libreoffice-sdk- update to 6.0.2 rc1- rebuild for poppler 0.62.0- latest stable- Rebuilt for Resolves: rhbz#1541486 Base table dialog title shown in wrong language- update to 6.0.0 rc3- add lots of .abignore files to restrict abipkgdiff to shared objects that actually have a stable ABI- Rebuilt for Boost 1.66.0- update to 6.0.0 rc2- bump to Modify2 for app_id so install hint says 'LibreOffice wants to install'- request langpack for autodetected desired ui locale via packagekit- update to 6.0.0 rc1- update to 6.0.0 beta2- Rebuild for hunspell 1.6.2- Rebuild for ICU 60.1- update to 6.0.0 beta1- prepare for build with ICU 60.1- rebuild for liborcus 0.13.1- rebuild for poppler 0.61.0- update to 6.0.0 alpha1 - update location of appdata files - use weak dependencies - mark bundled packages- update to 5.4.3 rc1- rebuild for poppler 0.60.1- fix libreoffice wrapper- update to 5.4.2 rc2- update to 5.4.2 rc1- Resolves: rhbz#1490318 do not use versioned Supplements- rebuild for poppler 0.59.0- update to 5.4.1 rc2- implement char highlighting ui for graphics styles  !"#$%&1: -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectiondrpmxz2aarch64-redhat-linux-gnuXML 1.0 document, ASCII text, with very long linesXML 1.0 document, UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long linesdirectoryASCII text, with very long lines and langpacks-pa)utf-88dd7e3f648cfcdd47d438df1a00ee9d4c43e9c412bee5b86ef69f9b536a75723? 7zXZ !#,; ]"k%P8E" ,[>g\s-WjV*p s̺jɹqg.Ul0*31bgҀSYǦEfe.wUWؓ#bZ'rd7Kl}Ԃ;t #/5囉Yw v|MWÆֲP[Bg"w )F|-YS\ї;amqQ+j* 66ݠ@waڰ@4A/jh\GC T]$f&Oe?ˉ&j%x#ʹc#, WB!̜3G)]HV?;xJߕb8>V0rgIo`Sv:LIRRJɈ'ًL?g++nlBUI0@A n"e7Wr` ?{N:Εc( 574+ C]A[v4*~\Dj62Z^Sq/}~C7>X1JQ·+2>ss(g>_BXwzGtUM:^W'2WLaC'(i?66 ҥa@O1g(tJa!V C,lR_4ʚDZmDL3H1<09nnԷVAKO8Q%x7*Ǐ+GDсW[enMPМsyN0t'͛Vuh# V8ED߾^ilPM+>n 2cw>9m,>Vo&Cߖv:Ef.J&\n&Tpn>3W&(9s@ zeX@Mb`r=@ݠ.d-n3BMצ$k˥6.e);2J;$I[]t<9V]kJ}Y?)\+X)MOvgVSR†UAuvg6φdi<^WyݬwLm* Zgq(mg|"U#~ohg \\+БfIMbDn>6ByK; )o/3bq3Ɩ(>֔A"wZˏE|5O3Vjy78Pٙw*=jyt$Omb-#kIobS TN7l6o; PƦ8 -)*6k;-}[C6{aL x7a4dX} Bн[E4Y*0+%*pG=PF򨍼lZ 6tw,nB Y-@|ⲶϜ+Ժ:p(|LA8׮ϷXxH aɻ+%#f\Y{{7+AJc*6LT {QNm,/V5Iv`l k? -%ջ9ddN8nMQ4D"}8@Zښ09=oyYU]JA8@J5o `}: w(_3iwxpZfUB V 6y$]dvda"i`bE|[:n_Ќ$VBP/9[˺hj6GA%ՕϤ?f +G_:][p4dqcWco5i%>Ta4aY[?k Zљ<g{yUn_ kԅӏ)^qQ#0րɭ_G|),n YZ