libreoffice-langpack-te-1:$>O4׊eh'f;0TV>>A?Ad", 0 U} %X% % % %  %  % `%%%(8g9dg:'JgG9%H:|%I;%X;8Y;@\;d%];%^=0b=d?Le?Qf?Tl?Vt?t%u@%v@A8A<AgAAAAAClibreoffice-langpack-te6.2.6.21.fc30Telugu language pack for LibreOfficeProvides additional Telugu translations and resources for LibreOffice.]'&iFedora ProjectFedora Project(MPLv1.1 or LGPLv3+) and LGPLv3 and LGPLv2+ and BSD and (MPLv1.1 or GPLv2 or LGPLv2 or Netscape) and Public Domain and ASL 2.0 and MPLv2.0 and CC0Fedora ProjectUnspecified;;n.f;D\Ups)4P9'?NR@ 2V hsc]7 x]sF*p[!se u5A큤]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!y]O!]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-    font(:lang=te)hunspell-tehyphen-telibreoffice-core(armv7hl-32)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)1:]N]-@]@]@\\\\@\@\\8\\@\@\}\\N\e\|\+@\@\\zp@\s\n\n\\\T4\R@\LK\J@\3?@\l@[@[@[[%@[[G[[[[ug@[r@[`O@[Y[Q[O+[M@[M@[M@[H@[D[,[(@[{@[{@[ @[ZZZK@ZZ@Z@Z؄ZZ̧@Z@Z@Z@ZZZZ@Z$Z}@Zz@ZyZvZqZp^@ZX@ZTZ;@Z:PZ2gZ%8ZZ[@ZfZZYYYp@YY˒Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Caolán McNamara - 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Resolves: rhbz#1662616 crash in macro dialog editor - Resolves: rhbz#1662512 a11y freeze in calc- Resolves: rhbz#1639174 desire to block en-help install- Resolves: rhbz#1651469 improve obsoletes- -kf5 subpackage: include support for --enable-gtk3-kde5 (#1647233) - -kde4: adjust summary/description s/KDE/KDE4/- Rebuild for hunspell 1.7.0- drop gtk2 support and obsolete it- drop rhel 7 conditionals- Related: rhbz#1644128 gtk tooltip problems- latest version - rhbz#1637848 keep Supplements but not Recommends- latest version- rebuild for liborcus 0.14.0- 6.1.X series- latest version- Rebuild with fixed binutils- Related: rhbz#1602589 fix/silence more covscan warnings- implement export of underline in outlined font for simple case- Resolves: rhbz#1602589 fix covscan issues- Upgrade to ICU 61.1 - Upgrade to ICU 62.1- Resolves: rhbz#1601882 fails to build with --nocheck- latest 6.0 release- Rebuilt for Rebuild for ICU 62- latest 6.0 release - fix for ICU 61 - fix for Python 3.7- Rebuilt for Python 3.7- Resolves: rhbz#1581028 endless font widget update- use weak deps for fedora only- Resolves: rhbz#1582324 crash after merging writer table cells- latest 6.0 release- Fix a potential crash when using the dconf configuration backend- tdf#117413 char doubling in calc under X- rhbz#1575000 CVE-2018-10583 allow embedded links to smb resources to be blocked- rhbz#1573845 won't start without at least Langpack-en-US.xcd- Rebuild for ICU 61.1- Resolves: tdf#116951 rhbz#1569331 start is G_MAXINT- Resolves: rhbz#1568579 LibreOffice --headless zombie process - Related: rhbz#1569331 end should be in terms of unicode chars, not bytes- Related: rhbz#1396729 use cairo_surface_create_similar- finally drop bundled xmlsec1- latest version- Related: rhbz#1066844 drop libreofficekit requires- Rebuild for poppler-0.63.0- update to 6.0.3 rc1- Resolves: rhbz#1392145 ensure titlebar close button matches 'outside' direction- lib dir missing from libreoffice-sdk- update to 6.0.2 rc1- rebuild for poppler 0.62.0- latest stable- Rebuilt for Resolves: rhbz#1541486 Base table dialog title shown in wrong language- update to 6.0.0 rc3- add lots of .abignore files to restrict abipkgdiff to shared objects that actually have a stable ABI- Rebuilt for Boost 1.66.0- update to 6.0.0 rc2- bump to Modify2 for app_id so install hint says 'LibreOffice wants to install'- request langpack for autodetected desired ui locale via packagekit- update to 6.0.0 rc1- update to 6.0.0 beta2- Rebuild for hunspell 1.6.2- Rebuild for ICU 60.1- update to 6.0.0 beta1- prepare for build with ICU 60.1- rebuild for liborcus 0.13.1- rebuild for poppler 0.61.0- update to 6.0.0 alpha1 - update location of appdata files - use weak dependencies - mark bundled packages- update to 5.4.3 rc1- rebuild for poppler 0.60.1- fix libreoffice wrapper- update to 5.4.2 rc2- update to 5.4.2 rc1- Resolves: rhbz#1490318 do not use versioned Supplements- rebuild for poppler 0.59.0- update to 5.4.1 rc2- implement char highlighting ui for graphics styles  !"#$%1: -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mtune=generic-armv7-a -mabi=aapcs-linux -mfloat-abi=harddrpmxz2armv7hl-redhat-linux-gnueabiXML 1.0 document, ASCII text, with very long linesXML 1.0 document, UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long linesdirectoryASCII text, with very long lines and langpacks-te)utf-885852be2ce61da0133868e2cff1dfa1c623d4ffe0cfb592743dbfa8a735fa5cc? 7zXZ !#,/]"k%P8E" ,[>g\s,N,.K&X'ڡ]W!ЁPV;yߚ|ӷ]KjTe~%|iGt2jxϰiښY PkGQO)_w !` gTB 2mCN],`K k~2s-,KmԚe?}S ?d\(}ʘNqY;Qc[NA 1(2ȈwU.id6ӝ ITn T8*`$Z);M)mf8ht1dan)F-$0ۨ9<̐}vzT^V* $I{£yD53.OAiz ˥f6",& kŚ߭?gg'Z(-ѹgSIO,"Y ‵~n.T"B+X%q<UP]6GaQw"4/ǜAa;/h:T]eki1?9e2z_9@[XNw!3鲉Zƒ"{[S[җ8rE Ef̆E39 ' lK-T4rFQ?e豦YEtnz81sFfx@bofnB2C~ 1k";Z(^ m@ S af-?t#?ɒ i? p&l67!Uo&~? ;wAi63=ҨȷU&:dɻ4|.^g}*l4k8'v7:=[qǷ4|k%l:7I} c622 ^X3tEM(V-/@+MQI6+p E) ۗ|FqxuW@5zAݽ 1kyRfUVV׹4 VS? -+ wT<|C`/eb(nm 8WPID讕啛{O/p^/>tEJb3{No_20J^_d!)ǜiGA+ꚣ 햕x@ܨ sN@{R10UZJNJ V@ٰh‹!vS#b)+$.\CbF WW<ʼn'1%! 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