libreoffice-langpack-st-1:$>NUh? 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Resolves: rhbz#1662616 crash in macro dialog editor - Resolves: rhbz#1662512 a11y freeze in calc- Resolves: rhbz#1639174 desire to block en-help install- Resolves: rhbz#1651469 improve obsoletes- -kf5 subpackage: include support for --enable-gtk3-kde5 (#1647233) - -kde4: adjust summary/description s/KDE/KDE4/- Rebuild for hunspell 1.7.0- drop gtk2 support and obsolete it- drop rhel 7 conditionals- Related: rhbz#1644128 gtk tooltip problems- latest version - rhbz#1637848 keep Supplements but not Recommends- latest version- rebuild for liborcus 0.14.0- 6.1.X series- latest version- Rebuild with fixed binutils- Related: rhbz#1602589 fix/silence more covscan warnings- implement export of underline in outlined font for simple case- Resolves: rhbz#1602589 fix covscan issues- Upgrade to ICU 61.1 - Upgrade to ICU 62.1- Resolves: rhbz#1601882 fails to build with --nocheck- latest 6.0 release- Rebuilt for Rebuild for ICU 62- latest 6.0 release - fix for ICU 61 - fix for Python 3.7- Rebuilt for Python 3.7- Resolves: rhbz#1581028 endless font widget update- use weak deps for fedora only- Resolves: rhbz#1582324 crash after merging writer table cells- latest 6.0 release- Fix a potential crash when using the dconf configuration backend- tdf#117413 char doubling in calc under X- rhbz#1575000 CVE-2018-10583 allow embedded links to smb resources to be blocked- rhbz#1573845 won't start without at least Langpack-en-US.xcd- Rebuild for ICU 61.1- Resolves: tdf#116951 rhbz#1569331 start is G_MAXINT- Resolves: rhbz#1568579 LibreOffice --headless zombie process - Related: rhbz#1569331 end should be in terms of unicode chars, not bytes- Related: rhbz#1396729 use cairo_surface_create_similar- finally drop bundled xmlsec1- latest version- Related: rhbz#1066844 drop libreofficekit requires- Rebuild for poppler-0.63.0- update to 6.0.3 rc1- Resolves: rhbz#1392145 ensure titlebar close button matches 'outside' direction- lib dir missing from libreoffice-sdk- update to 6.0.2 rc1- rebuild for poppler 0.62.0- latest stable- Rebuilt for Resolves: rhbz#1541486 Base table dialog title shown in wrong language- update to 6.0.0 rc3- add lots of .abignore files to restrict abipkgdiff to shared objects that actually have a stable ABI- Rebuilt for Boost 1.66.0- update to 6.0.0 rc2- bump to Modify2 for app_id so install hint says 'LibreOffice wants to install'- request langpack for autodetected desired ui locale via packagekit- update to 6.0.0 rc1- update to 6.0.0 beta2- Rebuild for hunspell 1.6.2- Rebuild for ICU 60.1- update to 6.0.0 beta1- prepare for build with ICU 60.1- rebuild for liborcus 0.13.1- rebuild for poppler 0.61.0- update to 6.0.0 alpha1 - update location of appdata files - use weak dependencies - mark bundled packages- update to 5.4.3 rc1- rebuild for poppler 0.60.1- fix libreoffice wrapper- update to 5.4.2 rc2- update to 5.4.2 rc1- Resolves: rhbz#1490318 do not use versioned Supplements- rebuild for poppler 0.59.0- update to 5.4.1 rc2- implement char highlighting ui for graphics styles  !"#$%1: -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectiondrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuXML 1.0 document, ASCII text, with very long linesXML 1.0 document, UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long linesdirectoryASCII text, with very long lines and langpacks-st)utf-8aab044a25cd772e9f0e1c1b50b3bc15e29a6cfdb7e6cf37b11402cce244c53ea? 7zXZ !#, ]"k%P8E" ,[>g\s,"12!O᝺C~ `0nٳ8OGkt=8=yn0#X%-2}`ŷ$b~}Jɣ/7-I"Spq*yf ͠ˑjPϣf$76T/xH">-X5|,L`H36{2ܗ1^.74r.L cDJoj29:*)9(6G3ı>Ti]W$)UYŁnXRguCm'F&IZ.Qd(с2pO:#DdRRNH?lADc 1Ҽu-a]"M&zZFYX=Ҷ/ x;^?iE1_21[BQrۮ"yT@|kw2[ؐ-JkN3TX/)ih\_DRPS |Fs}zEmx reeaIWWt,ZCU˟DB6^ٿ`Rz"כ"6Sd]pF T(%"Z9:g߇ 4z8Q=[eܓ;2o-zvlEHzHl8hg/B:9T|^tA$Q)4Xj;v4H u) 6 ntJ9RpJ  i$UZ6oP7Q,9j "; :t260Pk}-g;zF@ޅR AK[SCZb3Ub(.y|)]7bbVmyYYǕ{;w4Za^E0j>|t>"q>dٓౢIti L?kHTvyh~QijE%le 8?+D*Ǘ"%_=2wb*ᲛJ=j>wo`Ac2;C2$gN63LxhZEsUMBrXԦz<:q}g.K"Id%ٻ}EkHqpQL>[3t>\_^{ &"i6.Ӝb5^IFz|B:ൂR8]SV o[A.:@ DfH4-dk)h2)_콙!:L4OKX)G].GP}QcI};f9ub,x2 ,[dQ0E(:Bͤ } z&6<&|>er^gFHMȷoك J]}Lu\:$?|dz@<kn9@cG,sHt!6}'eL7k0!I]1BjT m#has;՗fudirWAabY#uvl?^Z/p)F|(D;%D|7o% YwT_r9Tgp"!qD'a[/VWU/ Qq5t^(ОJq6732i8̕2AT)Q2>Hښ ؟>a8'x9?wH5|h^P rՓ3A h?nI nl=3Q5*$u L%? -t$wt+Tr,Y YZ